十六 the start

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❝ DON’T GET INTO A FIGHT . i’ll pick you up from school as usual , okay ? ❞ Samuru's voice was laced with concern . Yuriko smile while answering sarcastically , “yes , father”

he roll his eyes at the response hence pecking Yuriko's forehead . "now go inside that shitty building and study"

Yuriko lazily drags herself inside the school . she yawn and stretch her body while walking at a sluggish pace ── not caring about the stares everyone gives her . it’s a daily rite for the fans .

the Kai siblings continued to live with their grandparents , along with Tokio and the others . although their father lived somewhere in the country of Malaysia with his new love of life , he still sent his children money now and then .

he even gave the two siblings black cards .

for the whole day , Yuriko spaced out and mind her own business as usual . people at the school think of her as a loner , a scoundrel one at that .

right now she's huffing and grumbling to herself because Samuru is late . instead of waiting , she chose to walk home herself .

"wherever he is , i hope he is safe . ." she mutter . she stopped by at a dorayaki shop and bought a bag of it . she was too busy examining the savory food that she didn’t realize a person is walking towards her — making them bump into each other .

the bag of dorayaki drop to the ground and Yuriko inhale slowly while closing her eyes , trying her best to calm down .

"sorry for bumping into you" she apologize first , not glancing at whoever or whatever is in front .

"it’s okay . it was actually my fault"

'this voice sound's familiar . .'

she raises her head to look at whoever is that and her eyes widened . her heterochromia eyes met with a pair of black ones , making her swallow .

"again , i apologize ."

"it's fine ." was all she respond with before picking up the bag from the ground and beginning to walk away . she then halted when she felt a grip on her wrist , stopping her to walk any further .


she slowly turn towards the taller boy and his eyes widen in realization .

"Yuriko ??"

"Zen . ."

Mikey look back and forth between both of them in confusion .

"you've grown up . ."

"just like you." Yuriko reply as she slowly removes her hand from Draken's grip .

"Kenchin who is this ?" Mikey ask . "she's my . . . childhood friend."

he displayed Yuriko his rare small smile .

Ryūguji Ken just smile .

"you never tell me about your childhood friend !"

"now you know ."

"as much as i want to catch up with you , Zen , i need to go now . see you guys later ." Yuriko excuse herself and walk away ── but the two boys follow her instead .

"your name is Yuriko , right ?"

"and you are ?"

the shorter male smile , "im Mikey."

". . isn't that a foreign name ?"

"it’s just a nickname actually ."

"i see . ." she mutter . they were walking in silence for three minutes until she halt on her steps , almost making the Toman President trip .

"why are you two still following me ?"

"why not ? ? we're buddies now." the infamous Mikey smile . Draken just roll his eyes and look away .

having enough bullshit , Yuriko sigh── "im heading back to my house so it's better if you guys continue your own business ."

"i can't hang out with you ?" Mikey’s expression turned into a sad one making Yuriko chuckle at his pathetic state , "maybe tomorrow ? i'll find you two myself."

his eyes suddenly twinkle . Yuriko didn’t expect Draken to strike another conversation with her again before walking away with Mikey . . .

"take care , Yuriko . its good to see you again ."

"you as well , Zen ."

" . . . "

Mikey felt like he’s third-wheeling . Draken shake his head and walk away . unbeknown to them , the corner of his lips slightly curved into a small smile . Yuriko watch as the two disappear from her sight . when she get back home , she grin like a madwoman── "FINALLY AFTER 9 YEARS ! i befriended the most important characters- yet again !"

Samuru who has just arrived after patrolling around Tokyo at maximum speed to find where the heck Yuriko is , sigh as he listen to her yelling inside the house . he assumed that she's talking about shōnen manga characters again .

his smile when he hear his little sister scream in joy again .

his smile when he hear his little sister scream in joy again

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