𓈒 ❤︎ 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘳𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘰

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. . . ᡕᠵᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡ .

MANJIRO HAD ALWAYS LIVED FOR the thrill of speed, the adrenaline rushing through his veins as he raced his vehicle down the track at over 200 miles per hour. it was everything he had ever known, and he thought he had the world in the palm of his hands. in the high-octane world of racing, Manjiro was a legend. his skill behind the wheel was unmatched, and his racing persona was that of a true showman. when Yuriko, a talented reporter, was assigned the job of interviewing him, she was determined to get the scoop on the mysterious racer.

she approached him with a confident stride, her pen and notebook in hand, ready to get down to business── “ehemm!! congratulations on your win again, Sano-san. can you answer these fewer questions i have for you?”

Manjiro who was used to tall the attention and noisey reporter just nod his head without turning to look at the woman speaking, as he casually chugged down his water from the bottle. “can you walk us through your race strategy and how you managed to secure the victory?”

Manjiro then turned his head to look at the reporter whilst the mic was shove right on his face. he was about to retorted until, he finally saw a glimpse of Yuriko's face.

Manjiro could only stare at her in awe. he had never seen anyone as stunning as she was before, with her sharp wit and beautiful smile.

he tried his best to remain focused on the interview, but as she asked him questions, he found himself distracted by her beauty. she had this presence about her that was nothing short of captivating, and it was all he could do to stop himself from staring.

as the interview went on, Manjiro was still in awe of her. her intelligence, her confidence, her charm - she had it all. every time she spoke, he found himself falling deeper and deeper into her spell.

it was as if he had finally found something that was missing in his life, a missing piece that he never knew he needed.

And so, as the interview came to an end, Manjiro knew that he had found his soulmate. she was everything he had ever dreamt of and more, and he was ready to do anything to keep her in his life.

“it was great talking to you– uh, Sano-san?” Yuriko was a bit weirded out by Manjiro, and so she shove the mic right on his face again as the camera continue to record their interview live, broadcasting throughout the whole country in televisions and social medias.

Yuriko thought that Manjiro had something else to say, perhaps he wanted to give thanks to his fans but she was very wrong. what came out of Manjiro’s mouth shocked the whole continent to the core.

“hey, marry me?” Manjiro's sudden proposal left Yuriko reeling, her heart racing as she struggled to comprehend the words that had just been spoken. it was almost as if time itself had come to a standstill, as if the entire world had stopped to watch as this handsome stranger had just asked her to spend the rest of her life with him.

her face flush with a soft blush, she let out a hearty laugh, struggling to hold back her emotions as she tried to gather her wits. “i’m serious.. you're very attractive and im drawn to you.." Manjiro added. ‘feels like i’ve known you before too..’

the crew around her stood awestruck, amazed at the spectacle that they had just witnessed, as if they had just been given a glimpse into the very fabric of love itself.

Yuriko then signaled something to the crew to turned off the cameras. she and Manjiro were able to have a moment to themselves, a brief interlude of privacy in a world that seemed to be moving at warp speed.

“you don't even know me.” Yuriko stated. “i want to get to know you. please, go out with me?” Manjiro begged as his eyes practically stare into Yuriko's deepest soul.

as they spoke in whispers, their eyes locked in a moment of pure, unadulterated passion, it seemed as if the Angels had descended from high above to witness this beautiful exchange.

in that moment, Yuriko knew that she had found her soulmate, that her life had finally found its calling. she chuckle, and thought that it wasn't bad to try. “okay then... when's the date?”

hearing the acceptance, Manjiro can't help but grin as he held out a hand for Yuriko to take, in which she gladly did. “how about now? i’ll bring you to the fanciest restaurant in Tokyo.”

“mm sounds good to me..”

when Yuriko's phone rang, it was immediately drowned out by the shouts of her cousins and brothers on the other end. Ryou, Samuru, Miki and Tokio were all shouting in unison, their voices swirling in utter unison both in excitement and terror as they witness what had happened on the news. the call was filled with a mix of euphoria and panic, as if they were a group of kids who had stumbled upon a once in a lifetime treasure.

in their haste to know more, they bombarded Yuriko with questions, their voices twisting and turning in a blur of excitement as if they were about to explode at any moment. it was a symphony of confusion and commotion, as if they were in the midst of a tornado of laughter and yelling.

Yuriko struggled to keep up with the chaos, her mind reeling as she tried to make sense of what was happening. she can't help but chuckle at their shenanigans as Manjiro watch curiosly.

“DID YOU SAY YES” that was Ryou. his deep, harsh voice resonate through her phone, almost breaking her speaker.

they had seen it on the news, they had seen the proposal, and they were dying to know if she had said yes to the mere stranger. Samuru in the back were losing his mind and Taji's chuckle could be heard too.

“verdammt, dieses Arschloch hat sie plötzlich gebeten, ihn zu heiraten!!” Miki cursed out, making the atmosphere quiet for a second. “...did Miki just cursed out in German?”

Yuriko exchange a few conversations with them before hanging up. she couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. it was as if her life had just taken a sudden turn, a roller coaster ride that she never saw coming. with Ryou, Samuru, Taji, Miki, Youta and Tokio, she knew that her life will forever be a ride of pure silliness, a crazy adventure that she couldn't wait to experience more.

and now that Manjiro is in the picture, it’ll be even more exciting.

and now that Manjiro is in the picture, it’ll be even more exciting

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