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. . . ᡕᠵᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~♡ .

IN THIS ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, KEISUKE had rushed into the vet clinic, carrying his sick cat in his arms. he was greeted immediately by Yuriko, a young veterinarian who had just started working there.

she quickly assessed the situation, and with a steady hand, she began to check on the cat. Keisuke was shocked, for his cat was normally very skittish and did not like strangers.

Keisuke, with his eyes narrowed, made an attempt at flirtatious banter by saying, "my cat doesn't seem to like strangers, but it seems to have taken a liking to you". Yuriko, on hearing the flattery, responded with a witty and sarcastic quip, "what did you expect, my dear sir? cats like me for a reason".

the young veterinarian, with a twinkle in her eyes, continued to provide the best care possible to Keisuke and his feline friend, while maintaining her playful and confident demeanor. still, Keisuke didn't trust her that much.

as they continued to go back and forth, Keisuke found himself transfixed on Yuriko's every move, her every word, her every expression, as if he were trying to capture every last moment of this amazing exchange.

after a few moments, Yuriko looked up at Keisuke and gave him a smirk. "your cat is going to be just fine. i’ve given it a shot of antibiotics and its already starting to feel better."

Keisuke was relieved to hear this, and couldn't help himself to scowl at the proud look on Yuriko's face. "don't be too ahead of yourself now, miss Kai."

Yuriko rolled her eyes as she playfully shooed Keisuke away after giving him lecture on how to take care of his little feline correctly. oddly, Keisuke can't help but feel a sense of challenge yet adoration in his ways of interacting with Yuriko.

from that day on, Keisuke would often come to the vet clinic, just to see Yuriko and to talk to her. and he would always bring his cat with him, just to have an excuse to see her again. and then they will banter back and forth likewise.

as he watched Yuriko work, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her, yet didn't quite trust her with his cat, yet. nevertheless, she was so calm and collected, so sure of herself, and he could tell that she really cared for the well-being of his cat.

on one glorious day, Keisuke was finally able to gather all of his courage to ask Yuriko out. he had been admiring her from afar for quite some time, and he had finally decided to take a chance.

and so, with a heavy heart and shaking hands, he made his way over to her and asked her out on a date. he even wrote a poem for her, forcing himself to spell correctly this time.

hence, Keisuke was shocked to see that Yuriko shyly accepted, and his heart raced at the thought of finally spending some quality time with the woman of his dreams.

“you’re lucky i like you back, you know.. im a whole ass package.” she grins playfully as they walk side by side at the park, with a big bouquet of roses in her hands given by Keisuke. he rolled his eyes while Yuriko hold onto his arm── “a whole ass package with a stubborn attitude, right?”

upon hearing that, Yuriko stick her tongue out at her boyfriend. Keisuke can't help but to chuckle whilst ruffling her hair, “you’re a brat.”

“and you love me~”

he sighs, as they continue to walk while gazing at the sunset. “you’re damn right... i might just love you too much...”


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