Chapter 59: Don't Be A Loser

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Well here we are. A week away from my 17th birthday. And almost one year from becoming an adult. Jake and Corey have moved out. Parker is in town again. He gave not so subtle hints of a party but no one else seems to be aware.

Maybe a party will be good for me. Bring me out of this current state of depression. I don't know where it came from but it has stuck for the last couple weeks. Sam and Colby are on a trip for YouTube so its just me at the house. You don't realize how large this house is until you're the only one in it. I stopped asking Kat to come over. She seemed to lose interest and I stopped talking to Tara once Jake moved out.

Parker told me he'd be over at 10 for a "little surprise". What could go wrong at this point?

It was already 9pm so I decided since company was coming over I could at least shower and put cleaner clothes on so I did. I brushed through my wet hair then used the blow dryer and left my hair down. I just put on some Jean's and the first shirt I saw. By the time I was decent again I heard the doorbell so I walked down the stairs and opened the door which revealed Parker and a large group behind him.

Parker: All right people let's get this party started!

As soon as he finished his sentence people started rushing in. Since when was he a party person and why is this happening in my house?

Riley: parker who the hell are all these people

Parker: Some people that are ready to have fun! You should try it!

He walked further into the house leaving the door open as more cars are pulling into the driveway. I roll my eyes and sigh out loud. This is not what I had in mind for my Friday night.

An hour had passed and the whole property was packed with people. Music was blasting. The house reaked of alcohol to no ones surprise. I walked around the house picking up half empty solo cups from around the house as it's never been this messy when I bumped into Parker.

Parker: oh come on dont be like that right now! Have some fun! We can clean up later

He seemed to be struggling to get his words out as his speech was extremely slurred and clearly unable to any longer hide his obvious intoxication. He held two full cups in his hand. He reached his arm out offering one two me. I declined his offer. I've only tried alcohol once and that was more than enough.

Parker: Riley don't be a loser just take the drink and chill out. I know you arent that perfect

I grabbed the cup from him so he would walk away then I walked to the kitchen to trash the other cups. I still was not tempted to consume whatever beverage was in the cup but I kept it in my hand anyway, pouring some down the drain so it would look like I was drinking if he walked by again. I continued to walk around the house picking up more cups when I began to hear yelling. I watched as people started migrating towards the living room so I followed.

I pushed my way through the hurd of intoxicated teens that were in front of me to reveal Parker and some other dude fighting each other. I start yelling but because the music is so loud throughout the house no one can hear me so I walk towards to the two boys and put myself in between them. Parker stops but I notice his wide eyes. I turn to see a fist flying towards my face but was too slow to react so I get pushed back against Parker. The guy flinched once he realized he hit me and then he walked off. My nose hurt so badly after and Parker sat me down on the couch.

I put my hand on my upper lip and when I looked down at my hand there was blood. Great. Just what I wanted. Everyone else has completely lost focus on what had just happened and all went back to their drinking and talking. Parker walked back over to me with some toilet paper and a solo cup.

Parker: sorry about that, here, drink this itll help ease the pain

He looks at me with a now concerning look. I can tell that its alcohol before he even hands it to me but honestly I don't care at this point. I take the drink and almost immediately feel weird.

Parker: do you need anything else?

I take a quick glance around the room then finally say.

Riley: another drink wouldnt hurt?

He nods excited and walks to the kitchen. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I now feel inclined to do so regardless of the consequences. As the night goes on I notice my level of intoxication had tripled. I had already drank about as much as everyone else in a span of 1 hour. Anytime my cup was empty I went back for more. I had nearly no thoughts in my head and was now enjoying myself for the first time in weeks. My head starts aching so I make my way to the livingroom knowing I can't bring myself upstairs. The music seems like it keeps getting louder by the second. It had already drowned out the sounds of any voices nearby.

I notice parker appear from the crowd around me. He invites me to get into the pool with him but I told him I couldn't go upstairs to change. He told me to just go I'm fully clothed. I get excited, nodding my head repeatedly and get up off the couch. Once we get outside and are near the edge of the pool he pushes me causing me to fall in and I had grabbed onto his wrist so he fell right behind. We laughed and hung out while enjoying the party. The water was freezing due to the heater not working but after the amount of alcohol that had ready been consumed there wasn't much feeling of that anyway.

After another hour passes we start to get bored of the pool and got out. I layed in one of the lawn chairs and Parker grabbed the towel off the back of it laying across me before sitting on the other chair. I look over to him and smile.

Riley: thank you for this I really needed it

He nods his head giving a smile back and laying down as well. A few minutes of looking up at the sky passes and my eyes start to close. The music wasn't as loud out here as in the house and I felt myself dozing off.

Voice: Alright everybody out! Now!

Heyyy long time no see! I know exactly how I'm going to continue this story! Another chapter will be out soon! Hope you enjoyed! :)
Thank you so much for 100k as well!

Word count: 1197

Favorite Song: I guess I'm in love by Clinton Kane

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