Chapter 39: Where Do I Begin..

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Riley: Sammmm

Sam: hi

Katrina: are you ok?

Sam: for the most part

Tara: did you actually break your back?

Sam nodded

Sam: I have to wear a brace for a while

Riley: I'm so sorry this happened to you, I should have stayed at the house to keep this from happening

Sam: no, it's not your fault. Its completely mine. Now can we go back to the house?

Katrina: I'm going in Colby's car with them

Riley: me too

Colby: ok

Tara: I guess that means I'm taking Jake and Corey?

Jake: is there something wrong with that?

Tara: no, let's go

They went to her car. Colby helped Sam get to the car. Kat stood on the other side of him just in case. I just walked behind her.

*at the trap house*

We all walked inside. Colby and Jake helped Sam get upstairs to his room. Katrina went to the kitchen to get Sam water. Tara and Corey went to the livingroom.

I walked to Colby after he and Jake left Sam's room and Katrina went in.

Riley: Colby?

Colby: yeah?

Riley: is Sam going to be ok?

Colby: of course he will be ok. He just has to rest a bunch for a while. He will be back to normal in like a couple months

Riley: ok...

Colby: you know that means we have to postpone the exploring trip right?

I nod. I'm disappointed but Sam's safety is more important.

Colby: I'm sorry, I know you really wanted to go

Riley: it's fine

//Jake's P.O.V//

Jake: hey Tara?

Tara: what's up?

Jake: have you noticed Riley's account has been losing a ton of followers recently?

Tara: what why?

Jake: idk I've just seen lots of screenshots all over my feed.

Tara: I bet Dylan said more bs

Jake: probably

Tara: well what can we do, he still has me blocked

Jake: I'm not sure but we could try-

My phone started ringing. Its Colby's mom...

Jake: RILEY!

I see her run into the room

Riley: what's wrong?!

Jake: someone is calling to talk to you

Tara: what?

Riley: oh

I hand her my phone, she answers and walks upstairs to her room quickly. I follow behind and close the door so no one else can come in.

//Riley's P.O.V//

Riley: hello?

Lesa: hi Riley, how are you?
(I was told that is her name. If its spelled differently please lmk)

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