Part 7: Deal!

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//Riley's P.O.V// *The next morning*

I was waken by Colby rubbing my arm.

Colby: com'on it's time to leave. You can sleep in the car if you want.

Riley: *nods*

He grabs my hand helping me up. We pack up our stuff and head to the car. As I get in the back Colby sits next to me. Sam gets in the driver seat, Jake in the passenger side. We drive off. As we make our way down the large mountain I slowly doze off, back to sleep. While I was alseep, I had an awful dream. At first I would'nt/couldn't wake up.
Arron was in the dream. He started shouting at me. I don't know why. He then began shouting louder. I couldn't understand what he was saying. Then he shoved me onto the floor, scaring so much that I woke only seconds later panicking. I was shaking. Colby looked at me worried

Colby: woah are you okay!?

Riley: y..yeah, I-i'm fine..

Colby: you don't seem fine..

Riley: I just had a bad dream, that's all..

Colby: do you have them often?

Riley: *shakes head no* never

Jake turned back and looked at Colby confused. Colby shrugged in response.

Colby: well, what was it about..?

Riley: I would rather not say..

Colby: can you at least tell me, who was in your dream..?

Riley: ......Arron

At that exact moment Sam stopped at a red light. All three guys gave gave each other a weird look. I raised my eyebrow in confustion.
Sam then continued driving.

Colby: you havn't even really hung out with Arron, have you?

Riley: no, I met him, but since then we haven't spoken...

Colby: is there a specific reason for that?

Riley: not that I know of, which is why I'm confused as to why, out of anyone, Arron did that to me.

Colby: did what?

Riley: nothing...

Colby: please tell me what happened in your dream.

Riley: Colby, I'm exausted, I don't want to go into detail.

Colby: well, maybe I can help!

Riley: *sighs*

Colby: I'm not forcing you to tell me right away, just tell me when you want to, deal?

Riley: deal!

After we got back to the Trap house I ran upstairs and flopped onto my bed. As soon as I began to get comfortable, my phone started buzzing.

*Tara Yummyy wants to FaceTime you*

I answered her call, even though half my face was already burried into my pillow.

Tara- hiii

Riley- hi.

Tara- you good?

Riley- yeah, just excausted...didn't sleep much last night after what happened.

Tara- what happened, wait! I will be over in ten!

Before I could reply she hung up. I just layed there in bed. I drifted off to sleep again. My dream repeated from earlier, until I was once again woken, Tara came running into my room plopping herself onto my bed.

Tara: ok, spill!


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Word Count: 500

Favorite Song: Queen by Cash and Maverick Baker

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now