Chapter 47: Takes One To Know One

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//Riley's P.O.V//

*a few hours later*

We made it to Oregon and we just got to a hotel. The boys got a large room that had enough space for all of us.

Sam: ok so what's the plan

Colby: I dont think we should go to the place yet, its already the middle of the day

Jake: If its haunted dont you wanna be there in the middle of the night though?

Colby: we wanna be able to check the place out during the day too

Riley: what room was haunted

Sam: when I did the research it says that most of the building is haunted but people have had the most paranormal experiences in room three

Riley: then we have to stay in room three!

Shea grabs my arm and pulls me into the hallway.

Shea: what are you doing?!

Riley: I'm just telling them that we should stay there

Shea: No!

Riley: why not?

Shea: because I'm not going there and neither is Colby. He told me that we would walk around town and hang out

Riley: no he didn't, he would have told all of us and we would have come a different day

Shea: yeah well he didnt want to hurt your feelings

Riley: why are you lying?

Shea: I'm not! He want to spend time with ME because I'm his girlfriend!

Riley: yeah well I'm his....well, I dont really know...

Shea: exactly! Now go in there and tell them that you dont wanna go anymore!

I walk in with Shea right behind me

Sam: is everything ok?

I dont say anything.

Shea: she wanted to tell you guys that she doesnt want to go anymore. She's too scared

Corey: oh

Colby: there's no need to be scared Riley, you will have all of us near you and we will do everything we can to keep you safe. And if you really dont want to go then we can always go in a couple days or even a couple months. We can fly back here or drive again. Whatever makes you more comfortable

Shea: told her that but she really doesn't want to go

Colby: I want to hear it from her

Shea looks at me

Riley: I dont wanna go...

Colby: don't be sad about it, it's no big deal. If you aren't comfortable with going then we won't go, right guys?

Sam, Jake and Corey nod their heads

Shea: I'm really hunger, can we go out to eat somewhere

Corey: I'm down

Jake: me too

Shea: I was talking to Colby

Colby: sure, let's go

Colby grabs the keys and I watch them leave. I felt a hand kn my shoulder, I turned around and looked up at sam

Sam: are you ok?

Riley: yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Sam: you seemed really excited about this trip up until a few minutes ago, did something happen outside in the hallway?

Riley: no

Sam: are you sure?

I nod

Jake: common, you know you can tell us about anything, right?

Corey: even me. We may not be as close as you are with them but you can trust me with anything

Riley: I know, and I'll always tell you guys stuff but I'm fine right now


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Liked by samgolbach devynlundy and 92,522 others

Rileybrock fake people make me mad


Rileybrockfann pretty🤩

Devynlundy are you ok?

Katrinastuartofficial text me!

Tarayummyy takes one to know one

Coreyscherer who's fake?

Jakewebber9 please talk to us

Aarondoh me too

Colbyandriley so gorgeous!


Liked by Rileybrock samgolbach and 429,292 others

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Liked by Rileybrock samgolbach and 429,292 others

Jakewebber9 I'm always here to listen


Rileybrock 💕

Coreyscherer you look happy brother

Tarayummyy cutie

Samgolbach that merch is fire tho

Jakewebber9 @samgolbach 😉

Ig I will never have a consistent posting schedule. I keep getting too distracted

Word Count: 638

Favorite Song: Pain by Nessa Barrett

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now