Chapter 12: Kansas here I come

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//Riley's P.O.V//

We were all moved in. The next day I walked to Colby's room. I knocked.

Colby: yeah?

I walked in.

Colby: what's up?

Riley: I can't go to Kansas..

Colby: I already bought your ticket

Riley: Colby I start school the day we leave

Colby: oh yeah *sighs*

Riley: can't I just skip?

Colby: it is the first couple days, you probably won't miss anything important

Riley: yay!

Colby: but!

Riley: ?

Colby: you have to focus on school as soon as we get back, I don't want you to fall behind because of a trip, okay?

Riley: *sighs* yeah...okay....

*the next day*

We got up early and went to the airport.


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Liked by colbybrock jakewebber9 and 10,383 others

Rileybrock Kansas here I come🌽


Jakewebber9 that caption is so corny🌽

Colbybrock 🌽

Tarayummyy @jakewebber9 never, make that pun EVER again!

Katrinastuartofficial Miss you already!

Rileybrock @katrinastuartoffical miss you too!

We board the plane a few minutes later and were on our way to the what is known as, the land of corn. On the plus side though, I don't have school! while on the plane I had fallen asleep on Colby's shoulder. He fell asleep as well. The three hour flight passed quickly. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to wake up. i looked over and saw jake still poking me and Sam poking Colby from across the aisle  trying to wake him.

Riley and Colby: whatttttt...

We both whined.

Sam: the plane is landing so wake up!

Riley and Colby: ughhhhhh

Jake: *laughs*

The plane landed only a few minutes later. We grabbed some of our bags and left the plane. We went to baggage claim to get our suitcases.

Sam: the Uber will be here soon so let's head outside.

Riley: hold on let me run to the bathroom real quick.

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