Chapter 42: You're A Bad Liar

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Riley: Sam?

Sam: what's up

Riley: does Colby seem...weird to you

Sam: he's always weird

Riley: well yeah but like more than usual

Sam: not really, why?

I shrug

Sam: ok, well are you packed and ready to go?

Riley: yeah, for the most part

Sam: do you still wanna go?

Riley: yeah of course I do

Sam smiles

Riley: what?

Sam: nothing

Riley: you only smile like that when you're around Kat, is she coming over or something

Sam: maybeeee

Riley: yayyyyy

I hear a knock at the door. Sam walks to it and opens it. I see someone walk in.

Sam: hey, long time no see, what's up

Person: where is Colby, I need to talk to him

Sam: uh he's upstairs in his room

She walks upstairs. Why does she look so familiar? Sam walked outside when he saw Katrina. I walked upstairs to my room. I grab my phone out of my pocket and open YouTube.

I search through Colby's channel. I swear I've seen this girl somewhere. There she is, I knew it! Shea!

//Colby's P.O.V//

My door swung open. I looked over and saw Shea walk in

Colby: did you just let yourself in my house

Shea: of course not. Sam opened the door dont be so dumb

Colby: ok, ok, sorry! But why are you even here

Shea: I wanna go

Colby: where?

Shea: on your trip

Colby: why?

Shea: why not

Colby: uh...

Shea: come onnnn, it will be funnn

Colby: .....

Shea: why cant your girlfriend go on a trip with you!? Is there something wrong with that

Colby: no not at all! I just...dont you think it would be weird

Shea: how?

Colby: well nobody knows that we are dating so we wouldn't be able to really do anything

Shea: wdym, Brennen knows

Colby: yeah but he isnt going

Shea: so?

Colby: fine, I'll talk to everyone else and see if they are cool with you coming

Shea: they better be...I mean, ok

Shea smiles

Colby: I'll call you later after I talk to them

Shea: k

She walks out. I hear her walk down the stairs and out the door.

This should be interesting. But at least shes nice. Hopefully she will be nice to everyone else.

//Riley's P.O.V//

I couldn't convince Jake to come down but I started watching a movie with Corey, Sam and Kat downstairs since we never know what else to do, then Colby walked in.

Colby: hey guys, can I talk to you for a minute....

Corey: yeah what's up bro

Colby sat down.

Colby: ok so yall know Shea right?

Katrina: that girl you used to hang out with a lot at the old trap house?

Colby: yeah

Sam: wasn't she just here?

Colby: I just talked to her and she wants to know if it's ok for her to come with us on the trip to Oregon with us

Sam: yeah sure, she seems chill

Corey: I'm cool with it

Colby: what about you Riley?

Riley: yeah I guess so

Colby: ok, I'll tell her....

Katrina: you good?

Colby: yeah, why?

Katrina: you seem like you wanna tell us something else

Colby: nah

Sam: is it about Shea?

Colby: nah, it's nothing

Katrina: you're a bad liar

Colby: I'm not lying!

Sorry for not posting, my wifi hasn't been the best and I've been really busy. This is kind of a part 1 the next chapter pretty much continues where this one ends

I also forgot to mention before, thank you all so so so much for 30k reads omgggg🥺❤❤❤

Word Count: 604

Favorite Song: Be Happy by Dixie D'Amelio
(in my opinion, she's an underrated queen)

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