Chapter 37: This Looks Sick!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Riley: hiiii

Tara: Should I go back on twitter and see what else we could do on here?

Katrina: yeah

I started reading the comments while Tara went through her twitter.

Rileybrockfann hiiiiii

Traphousedits yay! You're back!!🎉😊

Colbybrockfan omg hi!

Rileyisfakeaf you shoulda stayed off🙄

Samgolbrock Riley have you seen all the posts😢

Rileyandcolby hiiii

Taraandriley can you say my username

Tara: we should make a fort

Devyn: definitely, that would be so fun

Katrina: you wanna do that Riley?

Riley: huh?

Tara: build a fort

Riley: yeah sure

I stopped reading the comments and set my phone up on my dresser.

Devyn: I'm gonna go get Xeph, I'll be right back

Katrina: ok

Tara: wait, what if we make a fort outside!

Riley: where?

Tara: on the trampoline!

Katrina: omg yessss

Riley: ok

I grabbed my large blankets and my phone and we started walking towards the hallway. Katrina opened the closet and grabbed a bunch of sheets. We walked downstairs and outside right as Xepher and Devyn were walking inside.

Devyn: wait what are you guys doing?

Katrina: making a fort on the trampoline

Devyn: oh

They follow us back outside and we walk across the yard to the trampoline. Colby stops me.

Colby: what are you five up to?

Riley: making a fort!

We walk over to the trampoline where the girls already are standing and we set everything down.

Riley: where do we start?

Katrina: we need to start with the roof and lining the walls.

Tara: I'm too short for that

Riley: me too

Xepher: I'm not

Xepher kicks off her shoes and climbed onto the trampoline, we throw everything onto the trampoline and climb up. I told everyone on my live that we would hopefully post updates on the fort then I ended it and we start setting stuff up. Xepher puts the large blankets across the top of the trampoline and lines the sides while Tara, Kat, Devyn and I cover the "floor" of the fort with more blankets.

Tara: I'll go grab some pillows from inside!

Riley: ok

Tara leaves and runs into the house. We are close to being finished and Colby and Jake walk over.

Colby: woah

Jake: damn, you guys went all out

Riley: oh just you wait, we arent even done yet

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