Chapter 43: Uh, fine ig...

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Katrina: you obviously are

Corey: are y'all dating or something

Colby: no...maybe

Sam, Katrina and Corey started smiling.

Sam: really?!

Colby: yeah..

Corey: that's great bro!

Colby: yep.

Sam: I'm happy for you brother

Corey: me too

Colby: thanks..

Sam: what's wrong, you don't seem too happy about it

Colby: oh, I am I just...idk I'm scared that you guys wont like her being around a lot

Sam: we love having her around. She was always really cool when we lived in the old traphouse. The only difference is that you arent friends now.

Colby: ok, well I feel better about it then

Colby smiles.

Katrina: plus I'm excited to have another girl in our group!

Colby: idk if she will be a part of our group...

Katrina: why not

Colby: idk, because what if we break up after everyone is really close with her, it would be harder if she is around all the time after we break up

Katrina: I think that's how Tara and some of the other girls felt for a while. And Devyn is still a part of our group even when her and Corey broke up

Corey nods

Colby: I guess that's true, what about you

Katrina: I was dating Sam before you guys even moved into the first trap house, before our group technically started.

Colby: oh yeah, I forgot

Sam: don't stress yourself out about it

Colby: I'll try not to

Sam: Riley?

Riley: hm?

Sam: you haven't said anything in a while, you ok?

Riley: yeah, just processing stuff

Colby: are you ok with her being around?

Riley: absolutely!

Colby: ok, well I'm gonna go talk to Jake really quick about something, when are we leaving again?

Sam: we still have a couple days

Colby: ok, and we are driving right?

Sam: yeah

Colby: who's car has enough room for six people?

Sam: six?

Colby: well if Shea is going that would be me, her, you, Corey, Jake and Riley

Sam: we can rent a larger car

Colby: sounds good, um Riley, do you mind if I send Shea your number, maybe you two can talk before we go since you didn't meet her at the old trap house

Riley: yeah sure

Colby nods and smiles as he walks out

Sam: If I'm being honest, I'm not surprised that they started dating. They always seemed really close and used to act like a couple before they ever were one.

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