Chapter 56: Can They Really Do That?

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//Colby's P.O.V//


I finally left my room and went to Sam's. I knocked

Sam: come in

I opened the door and walked in. Sam quickly got up, off his bed and walked over to me

Sam: are you ok!?

I shook my head.

Sam: what's up?

Colby: ....

Sam: Colby?

Colby: you know that orphanage thing , where I adopted Riley..?

Sam: yeah?

He said confused

Colby: someone just called from there

Sam: and?

Colby: Apparently one of the people that works there is still registered as Riley's emergency contact

Sam: there have been no emergencies though

Colby: I know but someone that works at Riley's school called that person and told them that Riley hasn't been to school pretty much in months besides once

Sam: why didn't the school call you?

Colby: i dont know but the orphanage said they have to take Riley if she doesn't go to school..

Sam: They can't do that! That's illegal!

Colby: so is not going to school

Sam: idc about that! They have no legal attachments to her in any way anymore, there is  nothing that they can do to take her

Colby: that's what I said but they said they want the best for Riley and they will do whatever that can

Sam: then send her to school!

Colby: I've tried! But she always seems miserable there! I dont want that for her

Sam: well would you rather not be able to do anything for her if you let this continue!?!

Colby: ....

Sam: come on Colby! use your brain!

Katrina: can they really do that?

Colby: I guess so..

Katrina: wait, where is Riley?

Sam: I pretty sure she's still in the pool with Parker. Jake and Tara might be out there too

Katrina: you aren't going to tell Riley right?

Colby: hell no! I don't want her to be upset

Sam: you should talk to her about school though

Katrina: online school is always an option too

Colby: she has a few friends at her school though

Katrina: when was the last time she talked to them or even mentioned them?

Colby: fair point..

Katrina: I'm not trying to be rude but this seems extremely unrealistic. It makes no sense whatsoever. It seems more like a story someone in the Fandom would write about us

Colby: yep but unfortunately that's not the case

Sam: now I agree with Kat. This seems so bizarre, almost like a prank..

Colby: why would I joke about this!?

Sam: I'm not saying that you are!

Is it a prank?

Word Count: 444

Favorite Song: Everything on the 'The Good Times and The Bad Ones' album by Why Don't We ;)

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now