Chapter 53: Thank You Sam

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*1 week later*

//Riley's P.O.V//

I started getting hungry so I walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I saw Colby sitting on the livingroom couch with his face in his hands. Sam was sitting right next to him, hugging him.

Riley: Is everything ok?

Sam looked up at me and nodded.

Riley: Colby, what's wrong?

Sam mouthed "he doesn't wanna talk right now"

I nodded and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a snack and a few seconds later, Kat walked in.

Katrina: is Colby ok?

Riley: I don't know

Katrina: did something happen?

Riley: I don't knowww

Katrina: ok, ok sorry

*A few minutes later*

Sam: Everyone, come to the livingroom right now!!

Kat and I turned and walked towards the livingroom. Jake and Tara walked out of Jake's room with Sugar. Corey walked out of the movie room.

Jake: what's up?

Sam: sit

We all sat on the couch. He stopped hugging Colby. Colby lifted his head up from his hands. His face was bright red and his eyes were puffy.

Jake: are you ok bro?

Tara: what's wrong?

Sam: whenever you're ready...

Colby nodded slowly and even though his head was up straight his eyes were looking down at the ground.

//Colby's P.O.V//

I took a deep breath but I was only able to mumble

Colby: Shea is pregnant....

Riley: what?

Tara: what?

Kat: what?

Corey: what?

Jake: huh?

They all said at the same time.

I looked at Sam. He gave me a reassuring smile. I looked back at everyone else and repeated myself a little louder.

Colby: Shea is pregnant...

Everyone's face lit up...except Riley's.
She just sat there with a shocked look on her face.

Tara: wait that's so cool

Jake: now all the daddy comments are even more accurate

Tara: Jake!

She smacked his arm.

Jake: am I wrong though?

She rolled her eyes.

Corey: are you two planning on keeping it?

Colby: well yeah...

Corey: that's great!

Katrina: I'm so happy for you two, what the heck!

Sam: don't get any ideas Katrina

Kat and Tara laughed.

Jake: something still seems wrong though

Colby: ig I'm just kinda in a little shock still...that's all

Jake: when did you guys find out?

Colby: Shea found out like a week ago but I found out about 30 minutes ago....

Sam hugged me again.

Sam: I'm happy for you Colby. I know you will be a great dad

Jake: hey and maybe if you aren't, you'll find out that it's actually not your kid so you wouldn't have to worry about it

Tara, Sam, Corey, Kat: Jake!!

Jake: what!? I'm kidding!!

Tara: not funny

Riley still didn't say anything.

Colby: Riley?

Riley: hm? Oh yeah um right...congratulations I guess...uh I have to go back upstairs...

She stood up and quickly left the room.

Colby: I should go talk to her..

Tara: she will be fine

Jake: are you gonna keep it a secret from the internet?

Colby: I didn't even think about that..

Katrina: that's gonna make the jealous fan girls go crazy

Sam: who cares about the obsessed nine year olds. Your happiness is what matters right now. It's totally up to you. If you wanna tell the world you can, if you don't then don't. But don't stress yourself out too much about it. Take your time and I suggest that you talk to Shea and ask what she thinks too.

Colby: thank you Sam

Sam: of course!

Some new people may or may not be in the story soon🤫

Word Count: 602

Favorite Song: Pray by Jxdn

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now