Chapter 18: Mhm..for now!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

*The next day*

I woke up and got ready for school. I ate breakfast then went back to my bedroom. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and sat down on my bed.


The_dylan sent you a message

Tara - Hey babes

Xepherwolf liked your post

I click on the text from Tara.

Tara❤- Hey babes

Riley- hey T

Tara❤- just got my new car, was wondering if you wanted a ride to school

Riley- yeah totally, Colby is still asleep and I don't wanna be late.

Tara❤- ok, on my way!

Ten minutes later Tara texted me saying she was downstairs so, I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. I got in the elevator.

I stepped out of the elevator and saw Tara standing there.

Tara: hey!

Riley: hi!

She hugged me and we walked out to her new car and drove to school.

Riley: I love ur new car, it's so nice

Tara: thanks, me too

We soon got to the school. I stepped out of the car, said bye to Tara, thanked her for the ride, and walked inside.

When I walked in I saw Dylan standing by the door. He then walks up to me.

Dylan: hi..*smiles*

I slightly blush while saying hi back.

Dylan: what's your first class?

Riley: um...

I thought hard for a minute trying to remember.

Riley: Art, what about you?

Dylan: I have pe, but I'll see you in Math

Riley: mhm *nods and smiles*

We part ways as I walk towards my locker and he walks towards the cafeteria. I put my backpack in my locker then walked to the art room.


I finished my first two classes. I made my way down the crowded hallways to math.

As I walked in I noticed all of the tables were in different places. I was confused. The teacher told everyone to line up against the wall so he could tell us where our new seats were.

Math teacher: Madison, Clair, London and Grace sit at table 1

All four of them walked to the table and sat down.

He went through the list of names and tables.

Math Teacher: and the last three of you go to table 8

Dylan, Kaylee and I sat down. Kaylee gave me an evil death glare. Dylan rolled his eyes back at her and I just looked towards the front of the room as the teacher began speaking.

Math teacher: these are your new assigned seats, if you dont like them, I'm sorry but you are going to have to deal with it. These will be your seats for quite a while.

Dylan and I sigh quietly but loud enough that we heard each other. We were both sighing for the same reason. We didn't want to sit next to Kaylee, but we had no choice.

After a long 70 minutes I left Math and walked upstairs to my next class.

That class went by faster and by the end I was starving. Thank god it's time for lunch. I walk downstairs and see Dylan in line to get lunch. He smiles and I walk to my locker to grab my lunch. I walk back to the cafeteria and Dylan waves at me telling me to come over to him.

Dylan: sit.

Riley: what?

Dylan: sit down *laughs*

I sit down next to him as a couple of his friends sit down on the other side of the table.

One guy: new girlfriend already?

Second guy: *laughs*

Dylan: this is Riley, and no she isn't my girlfriend

Riley: *small smiles*

Third guy: mhm..for now!

All three guys laugh.

Word count: 621

Favorite Song: Taking You by Why Don't We

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now