Chapter 61: We Love A Party Girl

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//Sam's P.O.V//

Riley :)

Sam- Riley where are you

Sam- Riley are you ok!?

Sam- I know you aren't with Kat

Sam- pls talk to me I'm worried

Sam- Riley!?

Sam- Colby doesn't know yet

Sam- pls

Riley- I'm fine Sam

Sam- good

Sam- why didnt you tell us where you were going

Riley- yall were already pissed so who gives af

Sam- Who's party are you at

Riley- no ones

Sam- Riley I'm not stupid, I saw your post

Riley- I'm fine Sam, I'll be home eventually

Sam- fine

I stopped trying to get an answer out of her. I remembered that I had her location. I quickly check it. I have zero clue who lives there. I should go get her. What if she isn't safe? How did she even get there?

I get up off the couch and make me way towards Colby's room where I know he has been for most of the day. I stop in my tracks once I'm half way up the stairs. I shouldn't be the one to tell him about this. She should. He may see her Instagram though. Oh whatever I need to go get her. I turn back around and grab my keys as i make my way out to my car.

//Riley's P.O.V//

Harmony was right. We are gonna be good friends. I guess I haven't really had many friends my age. Parker is a pig but I guess hes the reason I know her so I have at least one thing to be thankful for.

Riley: hey can I get another drink? No more alcohol

Harmony: you can have some punch

She laughs

She quickly brings over a solo cup of punch and I drink it. I start to make a sour face once I taste the alcohol that's mixed in the punch. I guess I should have seen this coming. It's good though so I get more and ignore the thought of the unavoidable consequences.

Some more time passes and from the distance, I notice the large crowd of people being parted down the middle as someone walks through. I hear a faint yell of my name but I cant make out who it is because of the blaring music. A few seconds later I notice the blonde hair I know all too well as sam walks forward. I sigh at the sight of him.

Sam: there you are! I've been looking for nearly 20 minutes!

Riley: Hi Sammm

Sam: dont hi Sam me, we're going home, now

Riley: you are now, parker's giving me a ride home

Sam: oh please hes literally passed out drunk on the couch. I walked by him while I was looking for you

Riley: fine but I'm staying still

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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