Chapter 10: Nice to meet you!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

We headed to the car now that the sun had almost completely set. Sam agreed to me sitting in the front seat since he did on our way here so, Colby got in the drivers side and started the car as Sam and I got in the car as well.

The drive back to the house was quick but I was exhausted. As soon as Colby parked in the driveway I got out of the car and made my way upstairs to my room. I changed out of my wet towel and bathing suit then put on a pair of pajamas. I walked to the bathroom down the hall. I brushed my teeth then brushed out my hair and pulled it into a messy bun. I walked downstairs. I walked to the living room where Jake, Sam and Colby where all.

Riley: hey guys, I'm heading to bed!

Colby: you don't wanna come watch with us?

Riley: no thanks I'm really tired..

Jake: pleaseeee

Riley: *sighs* fine

Sam: you don't have to, if you are tired get some sleep

Riley: no, it's okay

I sat down right in between Colby and Jake. After a little while I had my head on Colby's lap, my legs on Jake's. My eye's started getting heavy so I closed them and fell asleep seconds later.

*The next morning*

I heard a ringing noise. I then woke up as the ringing continued. I was no longer on the couch, I was now in my bed. I leaned over to my nightstand and grabbed my ringing phone not even reading the contact name I answered.

Riley: hello..

Katrina: hey!

Riley: oh, hey Kat..

Katrina: what's wrong?

Riley: nothing, I just woke up, that's all

Katrina: noooo, I didn't mean to wake you!

Riley: it's fine, I should have been up already anyway

Katrina: are you sure?

Riley: positive! so what's up?

Katrina: okay well, I was going to the mall with Tara and Dev today and was wondering, since you start school soon if you wanted to go with!? We can find you a backpack, notebooks and ya know, the perfect thing to wear on your first day!

Riley: I don't know Katrina, I don't really like school, and if I don't like it I don't think I would enjoy shopping for it..

Katrina: come on, pleaseeee, we can stop at chick-fa-la on the way back to the house...

Riley: deal!

Katrina: yay! I'll be there around 2 o'clock to pick up you and Devyn!

Riley: okay!

I heard her giggle before hanging up. I then slowly sat up and got off of my bed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a red top. I then walked over to the foot of my bed and slid on my black and white vans. I grabbed my hairbrush and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I brushed through my hair and pulled it into a bun. Then I brushed my teeth. I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

Devyn: Riley, are you in there?

I open the door.

Devyn: ready to go?

Riley: yeah, let me tell Colby, be right back!

Devyn nods in agreement then her phone rings, as she answers it I walk twords Colby's room. I knock lightly. No answer. I slowly open the door to see Colby asleep in his bed. My arm lightly hits the side of the door making it slowly creak open. I turn back to look at Colby as he is now facing me smiling.

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