Chapter 41: Are You Ok?

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//Riley's P.O.V//

*three months later* (ik that a big time gap I'm skipping but trust me, the story will start to get a lot better now)

I can't believe it's already been three months. Sam no longer has to wear a brace. He can walk completely on his own. I haven't seen any drama in the Fandom about me, or anyone else. I went back to school and nothing bad has happened so far and we can leave for our trip to Oregon soon.

I was in my room packing when Tara stormed in.

Tara: IS IT TRUE!?

I turned towards her

Riley: is what true?

Tara: are you trying to break apart Jake and I!?

Riley: why the hell would you think that!?

Tara: um, have you been on Twitter!!?

Riley: no why?

Tara: because people are exposing the hell out of you

Riley: what why?

Tara: that doesnt matter, why are you trying to destroy my relationship!!?

Riley: I'm not!

Tara: well it sure seems like it from everything I've seen

Riley: why would I try and break apart your relationship I love you both so much?!

Tara: i dont know, why dont you tell me!

Riley: for the last time, I'm not trying to tear apart your relationship! This is ridiculous

Tara: whatever! Come find me when you decide to tell me the truth!

Riley: I am telling the truth!

Tara slams the door shut. Wtf just happened? I quickly grab my phone off my bed and open twitter. I scroll through but I dont see anything. What is she talking about. I go and look at my indirect tweets. That's when I start seeing stuff. Fans arguing back and forth. Seriously? She's believing this over me?

I throw my phone down on the bed and walk downstairs to Jake's room. I open the door.

Riley: Jake?

Jake: what?

Riley: did Tara talk to you?

Jake: she didnt need to, I saw the tweets first

Riley: you did..?

Jake: yes, now explain yourself

Riley: what is there to explain, i didnt do anything!?

Jake: don't lie to me, if these rumors are true then we can work this out i just dont want you lying to me

Riley: I'm not lying to you, I would never!

Jake: please be honest

Riley: I am! Why don't you believe me? You know that the Fandom likes to start drama no matter who it effects!

Jake: ....

Riley: fine, dont believe me

I walked out of the room and go back upstairs to Colby's room.

Colby: are you ok?

Riley: yeah..why?

Colby: because you have tears in your eyes...

Riley: ....

Colby opens his arms and I walk towards his bed where he is sitting. He wraps his arms around me.

Colby: what's up?

Riley: I dont know

Colby: what do you mean you dont know?

Riley: Tara and Jake are mad at me

Colby: what, why?

Riley: fans are starting drama saying I'm trying to break apart their relationship

Colby: really!?

I nod

Colby: and they both believe them?

I nod again

He hugs me tighter

Colby: I'm sorry

Riley: it's not your fault

Colby: but I still feel bad

Riley: how can we go on the trip if Jake probably doesnt even wanna be near me?

Colby: we will figure it out

Riley: but we are leaving in two days

Colby: wait really!?

Riley: yeah

Colby: we cant leave yet

Riley: why not?

Colby: I uh...was gonna hang out with a friend

Riley: who?

Colby: um...Brennen

Riley: whyd you say it like that?

Colby: like what?

Riley: like you were trying to think of a different name as a cover up

Colby: oh..uh I didnt mean for it to sound like that

Riley: ok...?

Colby: I guess I should start packing, I'll text my..friend and tell her we have to reschedule

Riley: what did you say?

Colby: that I should start packing?

Riley: no you said text your friend. You said her, I thought you said you were hanging out with Brennen...

Colby: oh, i am, i guess I'm just not thinking straight, im kinda tired...

Colby awkwardly smiles. I start walking towards his door as he gets up.

Riley: ok, if you say so...

I walk out of his room. That was weird, right? Maybe it's just me.

//Colby's P.O.V//

Should I talk to Riley or maybe the guys

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Should I talk to Riley or maybe the guys...I have to keep this a secret because I dont know how they will react...what about the fans..

Who's Colby talking to?👀

Word Count: 777

Favorite Song: Wah Wah Wah by Love for Hire, Everlyte
(Sam Golbach Colby Brock Jake Webber Corey Scherer)

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