Chapter 30: I Promised...

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//Riley's P.O.V//

*The next Morning*

I woke up from the sun shining in my face and my phone blowing up from messages. I grab it from the floor and see at a bunch of texts from Colby.

I open them and begin reading them

Colby- where are you
10:30 pm

Colby- Riley it's late where are you

Colby- why aren't you answering me?

Colby- Riley are you ok, where are you

Colby- I'm getting worried where are you
Colby- why didn't you come home last night please answer me
Just now

Riley- I'm so so so so sorry I didn't answer I fell asleep at Xepher's I'll come home right now, I'm sorry!!!

I quickly get up and put my shoes on. I walk to Xepher's room and knock on her door.

Xepher: yeah *says sleepily*

Riley: Xepher I fell asleep, I didn't go home last night you have to take me home. Please!

I see Xepher quickly get up and she slides her shoes on. I grab my phone and stuff and we leave the apartment.

*At her apartment*

I say bye to Xepher and walk in.

Riley: Colby!?

I hear no response.

Riley: Colby!!?

I then hear Colby's bedroom door fly open and see him running towards me. He quickly wraps his arms around me tightly with the most worried look on his face I have ever seen.

Colby: where did you go?!

Riley: I was at Xepher's...I'm sorry..


He yelled then his face immediately changed back to his worried face, mixed with a sad "I'm sorry" face as he continued to hug me and I hugged him back.

Riley: I'm sorry I fell asleep it won't happen again I'll be sure to come home

He said nothing in response he just hugged me tightly.

After he hugged me for a while longer he pulled away and he made a confused face.

Riley: what...?

Colby: your hair is purple!?

Riley: I-

I started panicking in my head but tried to keep calm. Colby just smiled at me.

Riley: wait you aren't mad?

Colby: are you kidding? It looks so good!

I smiled in response to his comment. He hugged me again.

Colby: it's your hair so it's your decision what you do with it. And I really like it.

Riley: thank you

Colby: you are free to do just about anyrhing...EXCEPT..stay the night somewhere without telling me you are so I don't have to be as worried

Riley: I promise...but why would you be worried even if you knew I was staying the night.

Colby: because even if you are staying with one of my best friends and you go out somewhere...and they look away for even a second. You could just be gone when they turn back. I don't want anything to happen to you so i tend to get a little...or VERY worried when I'm not there to keep you safe...

I smiled at him as my eyes started filling with tears and I hugged him tightly.

As tears finally stopped falling I heard the front door open from behind me. Colby let go of me and looked at the door to see Jake and Sam standing there with large smiles across both of their faces.

Colby and I just smiled. Sam and Jake ran over and hugged me quickly.

Jake: Colby texted me a couple hours ago saying he didnt know where you were and couldn't get a hold of you, I started freaking the fvck out!

Sam: I did too, I got so worried that something might have happened to you! LA is a very beautiful but very dangerous place. Anything could have happened!

Riley: thank you for caring and I'm really really really sorry for freaking you all out. I didn't mean for this to happen I just fell asleep at Xepher's and she did too so I couldn't tell Colby...

Colby: its ok just please don't let it happen again

Riley: I won't but am I still allowed to hang out with Xepher

Colby: of course you are, im not gonna tear apart a friendship just because of a mistake that you made because you apologized and promised me that it won't happen again and I trust you. I know you will make the right decisions from now on.

Sam, Jake and Colby all smiled.

Jake: Oh! Colby, what do you think of the purple hair!? It looks so good right!?

Sam and I laugh as Colby responds.

Colby: yes Jake. I love her purple hair.


Jake left and went back to his apartment a while ago and Sam just left. Colby and I have been on the couch watching a movie.

The whole time since we sat down he has just been hugging me. I mean Ig I know why but either way after today we are definitely going to be a lot closer than we were in the past which I'm really happy about it since we haven't been very close recently.

Finally published a longer chapter! I'm going to try and post them more often. Also thanks you for 12k reads!

Word Count: 896

Favorite Song: I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now