Chapter 17: Riley...right?

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//Riley's P.O.V//

*the next day*

I woke up the next moring in my room. I slowly got up and walked into the livingroom.

Colby: Hey!

Riley: hi...?

Colby: what's wrong..?

Riley: nothing?

Colby: oh! By the way!

Riley: yes?

Colby: your birthday is in a few days. What do you want me to get you?

Riley: *shrugs*

Colby: well that's not very helpful! *laughs*

Riley: sorry

Colby: do you wanna go anywere, have a party? I need something!

Riley: I. Don't. Know.

Colby: *sighs* ok, ok. Can you at lea-

Riley: yes. I'll think about it. *rolls eyes smiling*

Colby: *smiles* Sam Jake and I are going to breakfast, wanna go?

Riley: nah, I'll stay here. You go hang out wift your wittle fwends *says in a baby voice*

Colby: Ha. Ha. Funny. *chuckles*

He left a few minutes later. I walked to my room and opened Instagram. I found that girl's account. Her name is Kaylee. She is dating that cute guy, uh what was his name...? Dylan! That's it!

I followed his account. From what I can see he is a popular kid. I hope he isn't as rude as Kaylee.


Yay, school. I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned, still exhausted and not wanting to go to school but, I don't have a choice.

I got off my bed and walked to my closet where I changed into an outfit that I actually really like so, I posted a picture on my Instagram.


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Liked by colbybrock samgolbach and 18,282 others

Liked the fit🤷‍♀️


Tarayummyy gorgeous girl😍

Colbybrock thx for picture creds🙄

Samgolbach @colbybrock shut up!

Rileybrock @colbybrock sorry...?

The_dylan you look familiar...

Rileybrock @tarayummyy 🥰

I grabbed my backpack off the bench outside where we took the picture. Colby and I then walked to the car. He drove me to school.

I didn't move for a moment after getting out of the car. I just stared at the large building. I finally then walked inside. I turned my head for one second to look back and I saw Madison running towards me.

Madison: Hi!

She says with a large smile on her face

Riley: Hi...?

I reply not wanting to be rude

I then walk to my locker. She follows just behind me. I stop at my locker, I see Kaylee kissing Dylan. When I look away and try opening my locker I see in the corner of my eye Dylan pushing Kaylee away.

Kaylee: What the hell is your problem!?

She says with anger in her voice

He doesn't say anything he just walks down the hallway. Kaylee stares at me with an evil look then spins around chasing after him.

I just roll my eyes and close my locker. I go the opposite way they did to go to my first class, Art.

I sigh and walk into my class where I see Madison waving at me and pointing to an empty seat next to her. I just decided to sit in the back by myself.

I turn on my phone and see one notification.

The_dylan started following you

After, I head straight to my next class.
Three classes later, it was now time for lunch. I grabbed my lunch bag out of my locker because I refuse to eat nasty cafeteria food.

I then walk to the cafeteria and sit at an empty table. As I am about to open my lunch I see someone sit in front of me. I look up and see Dylan sitting there with a smile on his face.

Dylan: You are...Riley...right?

I just nod slowly.

I then see Kaylee walk over to the table. Interrupting Dylan before he could speak again.

Kaylee: Wtf are you doing with this b!tch!?

She asks angrily

Dylan: Hey leave her alone!

He said while quickly standing up

Kaylee: How dare you speak to your girlfriend like that!

She says raising her voice

Dylan: What girlfriend, I don't have a girlfriend?!

He replies back also raising his voice

She quickly turns around and storms off.

Dylan exhales all the anger he had building up and sat back down.

Dylan: I'm sorry about that...*small smiles*

After he smiled I felt my face get hot so I tried covering it.

I'm so sorry it took so long for me to post, please forgive me!

Word count: 746

Favorite song: What Am I - live and unplugged by Why Don't We

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