Chapter 22: I have my ways..

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Wait it's my birthday, I forgot, thanks to Sam for reminding me, lmao.

I got off of my bed and walked into the main room of the apartment and sat down on the couch by Colby.

He looked at me.

Colby: when were you going to tell me?

Riley: ..about what?

Colby: that you have a boyfriend!?

Riley: I was coming out here to tell you right now...are you mad...?

Colby: *sighs* no..I'm not's just gonna be a little different..but I'm happy for you

Riley: really? *smiles*

Colby: really. *smiles*

I quickly wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. He laughs. Tara then comes running in the door.


She screams, running over to me and taking my grip off of Colby.

Riley: I know!

She hugs me. I hug back.

Colby: come on in Tara *laughs*

Jake walks in a few seconds later with Sam and Kat behind him.

Katrina: hiiiii!

Riley: Hi!

She runs over and hugs me.

Sam: why is everyone hugging so much?

Jake: they are girls, it's what they do *shrugs*

Tara, Katrina and I stop hugging and turn towards Jake.

Jake: what?

I run over and hug him too before the girls and I walk to my room giggling. I shut the door and flop onto my bed. The girls do the same.

Katrina: soo...who is he? *smirks*

Tara: from the picture he looks cute, is his personality as good as his appearance?

Riley: he's super sweet, so his personality is better than his looks

Tara and Kat: awww

Riley: *rolls eyes while smiling*

Katrina: how did you meet?

Tara: and how long ago?

Riley: we met on the first day of school, no wait, second day..yeah second..anyway...I was walking to my locker and he was all over his girlfriend...ex girlfriend....and as soon as I got to my locker he pushed her off him he looked at me and walked away. She gave me an evil look then chased after him.

Tara: oh my god

Riley: now that I think about it, that's technically not when we met though...

Katrina: then how did you meet your mans?

Riley: *laughs* Later that day, during lunch I sat by myself and he came over and sat down next to me. And said "you're Riley...right?" And then the conversation began.

Tara and Kat: awww

Tara: can we see some pictures of him?

Katrina: and you need to change your bio!

Riley: why?

Katrina: because, you are no longer single and the world needs to know!

I change my bio before going to Dylan's account

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