Part 2: Welcome to the Trap House

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I couldn't stop smiling I was so excited to move into the Trap House!

Colby: you ready to go?

Riley: *nods*

Colby: ok *smiles*

We walked out to his car. we get in and he drives off. God i really hope I never have to see this place again

Colby: so, how does it feel?

Riley: what?

Colby: to be out of there for good?

Riley: fantastic

Colby: *laughs*

Riley: can I ask you something?

Colby: anything!

Riley: where will I sleep? Not to be creepy or anything but I've seen every single video filmed in the Trap house and not once seen an empty room.

Colby: There is one other room, I promise

Riley: ok

*at the house*

We get out of the car and open the door.

Colby: welcome to the Trap House

I dropped my bag and ran to the living room next to the kitchen and flopped onto the love-sack .

Colby: *laughed and ran and flopped onto the other one*

Riley: *laughs* where is everyone else?

Colby: I honestly don't know, you wanna see your room though? we tried to set it up, if you don't like it we can always change it.

Riley: ok

I followed Colby upstairs and down the hallway. He stopped at a door opening it to reveal a bedroom. I looked around

Riley: after watching all the videos and seeing this door so often, I thought it was a closet.

Colby and I laughed

Colby: do you like it?

Riley: I love it

Colby: Devyn, Katrina and Tara picked everything but just know you can totally pick some things out that you are interested in to add

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Colby: Devyn, Katrina and Tara picked everything but just know you can totally pick some things out that you are interested in to add

Riley: thank you, seriously

Colby: no problem at all, oh and by the way Sam just texted and said everyone is on there way back now.

Riley: really!?

Colby: yep

a few minutes later I heard the front door open. I became excited and anxious at the same time as I went downstairs.

Katrina: oh my god hiiii *hugs me*

Devyn: hello *smiles*

Tara: Heyy

I took turns hugging the girls then Corey, Jake and Sam walked in. They smiled and I hugged them too.

Colby: where is Arron?

Jake: he went to the store

Katrina: did you see your room?

Riley: yess, I love it so much!

Tara: Im so glad! We kept it nice and simple so you could do whatever you wanted to it

Riley: *smiles* I really appreciate it

Devyn: We should go to the mall and buy you some new clothes!

Katrina: that sounds like the best thing to do tomorrow!

Tara: oh my god absolutely

Riley: definitely!

Night fell quickly and I ended up staying up with Colby and Jake watching movies in the living room.

Colby: you should go get some sleep so you aren't tired tomorrow at the mall

Riley: you're probably right, goodnight guys *hugs them*

Colby and Jake: goodnight

I went upstairs and went to bed.

Colby: I really hope she likes it here


Word Count: 512

Favorite Song: Chemistry by Asher Angel

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now