Chapter 35: We Have To Go There!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Jake texted his mom and she responded almost immediately.

Riley: what did she say?

Jake: she asked why I need it

Riley: did you respond?

Jake: yeah. I said that Colby's phone was broken and he needed to talk to her

Riley: did she give you it though?

Jake: yeah

He hands me his phone and I text her.

She doesn't respond.

Colby: Riley!?

I hear Colby yell from the livingroom. Jake and I walk to him

Riley: yes?

Colby: I'm going to Tendergreens with Brennen wanna go?

Riley: uh, no thanks I'll just stay here...

Colby: ok, Jake?

Jake: I'm good

Riley: is Sam going?

Colby: no, why?

Riley: just asking *shrugs*

Colby: ok, well Brennen is already there so I got to go

Riley: bye

Colby left. Jake and I both let out a breath of relief.

Sam: why do you to look so stressed?

Sam asked as he was walking in

Jake: no reason

Sam: that's a lie

Riley: no it's not

Sam: ok, if you say so

Riley: can we go exploring?

Sam: what?

Jake: huh?

Sam: that was very random..

Riley: that's what Jake and I were talking about. I just didn't want to ask if you wanted to go since...well...ya know.....

Sam: Since I went to jail?

Riley: yeah...

Jake: there are places we can go explore without it being illegal

Riley: that is true but those places wont be as fun

Sam: they will be if we bring a o-

Riley: no! No ouija boards!

Jake: *laughs*

Sam: oh come onnnnn

Jake: we should bring one

Riley: whyyyy

Sam: why not?

Riley: I'll think about it, it depends on where we go though

Sam: I'll go upstairs and find somewhere right now!

Sam runs upstairs.

Jake: damn, that was a good cover up *laughs*

Riley: thanks, I actually have wanted to go exploring or something like that recently that's why I said it

Jake: what about Corey, he's not gonna wanna go if we bring a ouija board

Riley: then dont tell him!

Jake: ok I won't!

Riley: what do you wanna do while we wait for Sam?

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