Chapter 34: I DON'T KNOW!!!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Right before I told the girls what I saw, Corey quickly opens the door.

Corey: can you guys please come downstairs and shoot this dancing video with me, Jake and Colby are still gone and I have to post in a couple hours so I need to get this done now!?

Riley: uh...yeah sure

Tara: we are busy right now Corey

Corey: pleaseeeee

Riley: we will be down in a minute

Tara: but that's not even fair, Kat is a way better dancer than Riley and I

Corey: dont worry it will be just as hard for her as it will be for you guys.

Tara: fine

We follow Corey downstairs, he walks over to the camera, does his intro then me, Kat, Tara and Sam walk into frame.

We all started following the dance steps that Corey was showing us...Kat was able to learn it quickly but the rest of us just continued to struggle.

Riley: Sam, don't break your back! You are throwing it back too hard

Sam: I cant help it!

Katrina: *laughs*....seriously, please don't break anything

Sam: I won't, I promise

I look over at Tara who is still trying to figure out the dance.

Riley: sorry Tara but you aren't gonna be better at dancing than Katrina, just like you aren't better at knowing about 1D stuff than Colby is

Tara: heyyyy that's not trueee

Sam and Kat laugh

Riley: it kinda is though

Tara: fine

We all dance for about 10 more minutes then we heard the front door open so Corey did his outro and I went to the door.

I grabbed the bags from Colby and walked to the kitchen. I started putting everything away.

Jake: I have a feeling this kitchen is going to be a lot more clean than the last one

Riley: yup

Katrina: hey uh, Tara and I are gonna head out, we'll be back tomorrow

Riley: oh, ok, bye

They wave and walk out the door. I then walk to the livingroom as Sam sits down.

Riley: Sammmmm

Sam: Yes?

Riley: can we do something?

Sam: like what?

Riley: isn't there a pool outside?

Sam: yeah

Riley: yayyy

I ran upstairs and he followed. I went into my room and he went into his. I changed and walked back downstairs.

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