Chapter 60: You must be Riley?

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I wake up to a pounding headache. My nose hurts really badly and the sun is blinding me. Morning is off to a great start. I remember getting rather drunk last night but why am I in wet clothes and how did I get back up to my room? Parker must have helped me up before I crashed. I slowly get up off my bed and walk to my bathroom.

I flick the light on and look in the mirror so see a dark purple mark covering most of my nose. When did that happen? I scrunch my nose when I realize the severity of the brusing which causes me to winse from the pain.

I walk to Colby's room to grab some tylenol because I know he always has some but when I walk in I see a large duffel bag on his couch. I start to worry. Please don't tell me they're home right now. I then bolt to Sam's room completely ignoring my pain and look out the window which revealed Sam's tesla which was park in it's usual spot. I leave sam's room and go back to mine. I slip a hoodie over my head and put my hair down to cover the very obvious brusing. I walk downstairs still trying to ignore the fact that every part of me hurts right now. The boys are nowhere in sight so I keep walking slowly through the house. I finally stop when I make it to the kitchen where I see the two boys standing at the island in the center of the room. I bite my lip out of nervousness as they both leave their discussion to face me.

Colby: Hey are you ok?

is this a trap?

Colby: You were passed out on the chair outside when we got home so I carried you to your room so you could sleep more comfortably

Do you think he knows?

Colby: If you don't mind I'd like to talk to you about what happened last night once you wake up a bit more


I just nod in agreement. I'd rather not talk about it but I know it's going to happen regardless.

Colby: Riley you know drinking at 16 is illegal right?!

colby slightly raises his voice as he continues speaking.

Colby: I know we've been gone a lot recently but I did NOT expect this from you. What happened?

I said nothing but I could see the angry look on his face that was now very apperent.

Colby: Riley you could have gotten really hurt what were you thinking!?

Sam stayed quiet not wanting to add fuel to the fire. I sighed and moved my hair out of my face so I could get a better look at him. Now I feel angry and wanna yell back but I know that's only going to make things worse for myself. His face instantly softens when he notices my bruised face. He quickly walks over to me with sam right behind him.

Colby: oh my god Riley what happened?

Sam: Are you ok!?

Riley: Yes I'm fine ok?! don't start babying me. I'm totally and completely fine so just drop it. I know I messed up. just drop it!

Colby: we can't just drop this you are hurt we need to know what happened! who did this to you!?

Riley: absolutly nothing happened ok?! people came over and I got in the way. I'm fine now just leave me alone!

Colby: Did parker do this?!

Riley: what no of course not!

Colby: oh my god he did hurt you didn't he?! that's why you were asleep outside!

Riley: No it's not! He didn't do anything wrong! He fell asleep right next to me.

Sam: Riley he was the first person to flee when we showed up.

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