Chapter 49: Who's Driving?

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Sam: are you ok?

Riley: no, I'm not ok Sam. I'm tired of her ruining everything.  This was supposed to be a fun trip for the five of us but she brainwashed Colby into thinking she should come and now all he wants to do is spend time with her

Sam: no he doesn't, he wants to spend time with us but we all know he's super nice and wants his girlfriend to be happy

Jake: to heck with his girlfriend, bros before hoes

Riley: Jake is speaking facts

The four of us talked for a while. We got our food and ate. Then we walked towards the exit. Colby stopped Sam.

Colby: we will be done in a few minutes, if you guys just wait I'll drive so you dont have to walk

Sam: nah, we dont wanna bother you or your girlfriend

Colby: why would that bother us

Riley: it doesn't matter, let's go boys


Jake: why aren't they back yet? It's been like two hours

Riley: who cares, I wanna go out and walk around more

Corey: I'm down

Sam: me too

Jake: ok, where do you guys wanna go

Riley: anywhere

Jake: that's not helpfulll

Riley: then why don't you think of somethingggg

Jake: uhhhh....the dollar store

Riley: of all places why did that come to mind?

Jake: I don't know

Sam: we should go there

Corey: why?

Sam: because we have nothing better to do

Corey: ok true

We all agreed to go so we slid our shoes on, grabbed our phones and walked out. As we got closer to the main entrance/ exit we saw Colby and Shea walk in.

Colby: hey sorry that took so long, where are you guys going?

Sam: the store

Colby: which store?

Sam: it doesn't matter

Colby: did I do something wrong?

Riley: no, you're just having a good time with your girlfriend, come on Sam.

We continued to walk. He whispers to Shea

Colby: I'll text you in a while

Then follows us out the door.

Colby: who's driving?

Riley: no one, we are walking

Colby: okkkk...well where are we walking to?

Riley: the dollar store

Colby: oh, ok!

Colby smiles.

*at the dollar store*

We start walking around inside.

Jake: have you tried these before?

He pointed to the ring pops

Riley: of course I have! Who hasn't?

Jake: fair point

He grabs two bags then proceeds to look at the shelves filled with all the different types of candy. He grabs random bags and starts handing them to me.

Riley: why do I have to carry all of these?

Jake: because I don't want to

I roll my eyes and smile. As I continue to follow him Sam walks by.

Sam: why are you getting so much?

Riley: I'm not, he is

Sam: oh, nevermind then

Sam laughs and continues to walk away.

Jake: I'll be right back, I'm gonna go grabs something. Stay here

Riley: why do I have to stay here?

Jake: I'll bring a cart

Riley: ok, fineee

Jake leaves the aisle and I'm left with all the bags.

Voice: here let me help you with those!

Someone grabs about 10 of the bags of candy and sets them in his empty cart. I turn around.

Riley: oh, thanks

Boy: no problem. You kinda looked like you could use a hand

Riley: haha, yeah

He smiles

Boy: Oh I'm Parker by the way

Riley: It's nice to meet you Parker. I'm Riley

It took me wayyyy too long to write this short chapter. I'm so so sorry

Word Count: 603

Favorite Song: Infinity by Jaymes Young

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now