Chapter 46: Sorry About Him

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//Riley's P.O.V//

We got to a hotel, grabbed most of our bags and went inside. Sam and Colby checked out two room and we went upstairs.

Colby: we got rooms that are connected since there is six of us

Jake: cool

Sam unlocked both doors and handed one of the keys to Colby.

Riley: who is sleeping in each room?

Colby: the left one only has one bed

Riley: let me and Shea are sleeping in there?

Colby nods.

Riley: who am I sharing a bed with?

Jake and Sam: me

Corey: yall cant fit three people on one of these small hotel beds

Sam: I know that's why I'm sharing a bed with her, you and Jake can share

Jake: no! I'm sharing a bed with her!

Corey: oh my god

Riley: *laughs*

Corey: let her decide

Riley: why do you have to put the pressure on me?!

Corey: sorryyy

Riley: I pick Sam..

Jake: what whyyyy

Riley: because I sat by you the whole ride here

Jake: you dont wanna be near me anymore?

Riley: that's not what I said

Jake: yes it is

Riley: whatever

Sam kicked his shoes off and sat on the bed with his computer

Riley: what are you doing?

Sam: looking for good plane tickets

Jake: for what?

Sam: uh, nothing

Riley: you're such a bad liar

Sam: I'm not lying

Riley: are you and Colby going somewhere?

Sam: no..

Riley: you are! Where?

Sam: I'm not telling

Riley: why not

Sam: bc we still aren't sure if we wanna go

Riley: if you say so


Riley: well now that the movie is over what do you wanna do?

Sam: it's up to you

Riley: no, I already picked the movie. It's your turn to pick something now

Sam: I should probably go to sleep soon because I'm driving in the morning

Riley: how much longer of a drive do we have?

Sam: about three

Riley: yay

Jake: be quiet I'm trying to sleeppp

Riley: you cant sleep if you're talking

Jake: whatever

Jake rolls over.

Sam: someone is grumpy

Riley: I know right

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