Chapter 16: Here!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I continued to walk then I went to the office.

Front desk lady: Hello, how can I help you?

Riley: I'm new here and wasn't able to show up for the first couple days because i was sick

Front Desk Lady: what's your name?

Riley: Riley Brock...

Front Desk Lady: Okay

She looks to her computer then gets up and walks to a large printer. She then walks back over to me while handing me a paper.

Front Desk Lady: Here you go, the front has your class schedule and the back has a map of our school

She smiles.

Riley: thank you...

Front Desk Lady: of course! *looks the other way* hey Madison would you mind helping Riley here around the school before class starts?

Madison: sure!

She walks over to me.

Madison: Hi! I'm Madison!

She sticks out her hand. I shake her hand.

Riley: I'm Riley.

We then walk out of the office and she starts showing me around the school. It's large. People everywhere. I kept my head down and continued to walk. The school i went to before this wasn't even half the size

Madison: this I your first class! I gotta go to mine now! see you around! *smiles*

Riley: *nods* thank you

I try and keep a smile on my face. Then I walked into my first class, math..ughhhh.

I sit down in the back and keep quiet. A few people look at me then turn away and whisper to their friends.

Then the teacher walks in. Everyone doesn't leave their conversations.

Teacher: goodmorning class!

Class: good-morning Mr. S!

Mr.S: Class, we have a new student joining our school today, Riley, raise your hand.

I slowly raise my hand but quickly pull it back to my side.

Mr.S: welcome Riley

Riley: *small smiles*

Mr.S: alright, now, time for attendence!

Mr.S: Clair?

Clair: here!

Mr.S: Grace?

Grace: here!

Mr. S: Dominic?

Dominic: here!

Mr. S: London?

London: here!

Mr. S: Jaden?

Jaden: Here!


After math I got to my new locker and put my backpack in it. I only was going to carry my binder. I then had to go upstairs to my next class.

Every class was boring. The whole day was slow and long. School was finally over, finally time to go home. I walked outside and saw Sam's car. I walked to it and got in.

Sam: how was your first day?! *smiles*

Riley: *shrugs*

I lean my head agains the window. Sam frowns and drives out of the parking lot.

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now