Chapter 57: Like What?

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I walked upstairs to Sam's room

Riley: hey guys, Parker, Jake, Tara and I are going to mc Donalds. Want anything?

Colby: uhh no thanks

Katrina: chicken nuggets!

Sam: no I'm good

Riley: ok!

*in the car*

Parker and I sat in the back while Jake and Tara were in the front. Parker randomly hugged me and pulled away quickly.

Parker: I'm sorry

I smiled and hugged him.

Rikey: it's ok, I like hugs

Tara: soooo Parker...what are you planning to do for the event shall occur this month?

Parker and Riley: huh?!

Tara: oh come on. Dont act like you dont know

Parker shrugs.

Tara: oh my god! Riley's birthday!

Oh yeah....I forgot about that. The worst day of the year.

Parker: your birthday is this month..?

I nod.

Parker: oh I'm sorry. I didnt know

Riley: dont worry about it. It would have been a lot better if you never found out

Tara: what's that supposed to mean Ry? I thought you liked celebrating your birthday?

Riley: oh I uh- I do. I dont know what I'm saying. Sorry

Tara: hmm, ok!

*after leaving taco bell*

Riley: so I guess no mc Donalds?

Tara: taco bell is so much better

Riley: they both suck but ok

Parker: do you wanna go do something later?

Riley: like what?

Parker: idk, just go walking around the mall or something

Riley: sure!

Jake: do you want us to take you or someone else?

Riley: I'll ask Colby. I'm sure he'd take us

*later that night*

//Parker's P.O.V//

I walked to Colby's room and knocked.

Colby: oh hey, what's up

Parker: I haven't seen Riley but we were going to ask you if you could take us to the mall in a little while?

Colby: oh uh, yeah sure! I think shes in her room though

Parker: ok, thank you

Colby smiled and nodded. I walked down the hall to Riley's room and knocked. I couldn't see any light shinging through the bottom of the door so I slowly opened it. The lights were off. All I saw was her star light projector pointed at the ceiling. I walked inside and realized she was on her bed, asleep. I walked over to her slowly and whispered her name a few times so I wouldn't scare her. When I was finally standing next to her bed she had rolled over. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up. I smiled.

Riley: I'm sorry. I didnt mean to fall asleep I was watching something.

I looked next to her where her laptop had turned off.

Parker: it's ok. Colby said he would take us to the mall if you still wanna go

Riley: ok cool. I'm gonna get changed really quickly then I'll be ready to go

Parker: ok, I'll be downstairs in the livingroom

I smiled again and walked out, closing the door behind me.

I hope she doesn't think of this as a date. I mean I kinda do but i dont want her to get the wrong impression. It's not a date. It's just the mall. Theres nothing special about that. Its crowded and loud.

Aren't yall soooo surprised that it took me a month to post? I'm the master of procrastinating writing chapters.

Word Count: 550

Favorite Song: Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now