Chapter 21: Yes!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I stopped at my locker and opened it. When I did, an envelope fell to the ground. I picked it up, put my backpack in my locker, grabbed my binder and closed it. I opened the envelope.

This is so cheesy but whatever, meet me outside on the trail during third period. I need to talk to you.


A smile stretched across my face as I walked off to first period. As I did so I saw Kaylee walking towards me with two girls, one on each side of her. They stopped their conversation and stared at me until they passed and their conversation continued. I shook it off and went to class.

First period passed, second period passed, on to third. I sat down in class and the teacher started taking attendance.

Teacher: Dylan? Dylan today?

He writes on his paper and continues reading the list of names as people call out "here"

After a few minutes I raised my hand and asked to go to the restroom. I put my phone in my back pocket and walked out.

When I got outside I walked towards the forest and walked on the path. When I got to the end I saw Dylan with a smile on his face and something in his hands.

Dylan: look, I know we only met recently and we hardly know each other but I feel like your an amazing person and I wanna know you better and spend more time with you...

Riley: Dylan I-

I couldn't finish, I didn't know what to say.

Dylan: will you be my girlfriend?

Riley: Yes!

I ran over and hugged him. After hugging him for a few minutes I pulled back and he handed me the box that was in his hand.

Dylan: open it when you get home?

I nod in agreement.

*After school*

After Colby picks me up I head to my room.

Colby: what do you wanna do today?

Riley: I don't know

I close my door before Colby speaks again. I flop onto my bed and go on Instagram.


Liked by the_dylan tarayummyy and 21,822 others

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Liked by the_dylan tarayummyy and 21,822 others

Rileybrock you're so light😂❤


The_dylan mine 🥰❤

Tarayummyy omg I'm so happy for you Riley❤

Rileybrock @tarayummyy thank youuu💞

Colbybrock hmm....🤔

Jakewebber9 my bestie finally got herself a mans!

Rileybrock @jakewebber9 love you bub🥺

Katrinastuartofficial Yes! Goals!

Samgolbach Happy Birthday!

Samncolbyfan girl I've seen him on socials before 🚩
Thank you so much for 3k reads

Word Count: 422

Favorite Song: Chemistry by Asher Angel

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now