Chapter 19 You Are Late!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Dylan: shut up!

His friends continue to laugh.

He rolls his eyes and starts to stand up.

Guy #1: hey, we were just kidding man, sit down

I grab his arm, slightly tugging on it signal to him to sit and he does so.

After a few minutes I look up from my lunch and see one of Dylan's friends wink at me.

I quickly look away sighing.

Dylan: not hungry?

I shake my head in response.

Dylan: you oka-

Dylan gets interrupted by the speakers around the cafeteria, we hear the vice principal speak.

V-principal: students, please remember that you must remain on campus during all school hours, this includes during lunch. Thank you

Dylan stands up and tells me to follow him which I do. He disregards the orders that were just given and start walking with me out the doors when suddenly his friends pull him off to the side and begin talking to him. I feel left out for only half a second when Madison pulls me the other way.

Madison: what are you doing?!

Riley: what do you mean?

Madison: you can't hang out with Kaylee's boyfriend, she will be pissed

Riley: Who?

Madison: Dylan, duh!

Riley: Dylan isn't her boyfriend..

Madison: what the hell are you talking about, they have been together since the beginning of summer

Riley: ...

Madison: and even if they aren't dating, you cant have him, he's mine!

Riley: you cant just claim him, he is a human being, and just a guy at that

Madison: be quiet, he will be with me, because if he isnt with Kaylee its because he loves me!

She walks off. What the hell just happened, since when is she such a b!tch?!

I head back inside the building and make my way to my next class when I get stopped by Kaylee.

Kaylee: back off of my boyfriend!

Riley: Kaylee, we have been over this, he isn't your boyfriend

Kaylee: yes he is!

Riley: I watched him break up with you, now if you will excuse me, I dont wanna be late for class

She shoves me to the ground making my stuff fall everywhere. I grab everything as quickly as possible and stack it into one pile. I run to my class and walk in.

Teacher: you are late!

Riley: Yeah, I know, I'm so sorry, I-

Teacher: I don't care, sit down!

I do as she says and sit. I look to my right and see Dylan sitting next to me.

I whisper as the teacher began talking

Riley: since when are you in this class?

Dylan: I'm not, I just don't want to go to English

Riley: Dylan!

I whisper yelled at him but laugh a little.

Dylan: what happened to your binder, your stuff it all over the place

Riley: never mind that, go to your class!*laughs*

Dylan: it's just one class, what are they gonna do, expel me?

Riley: *rolls eyes smiling*

I open my binder up and try to put everything back in it's place.

After that class I went to English, I'll skip telling you about it because nothing important happened.

The day was finally over, I walked to my locker, opened it and put my stuff in my backpack.

I don't see Dylan, he must have already left for his bus.

I walk out the front doors and text the group chat with everyone.


Riley- which one of you is coming to pick me up?

Colby- crap, sorry, Sam and I are walking into a meeting for some social media stuff

Tara- Jake and I just got to taco bell

Corey- I can come pick you up..?

Riley- yay! Corey is my new favorite!

Corey- Haha losers!

Corey- yeah, on the way

Riley- k, see you losers later😏

Word Count: 650
Favorite Song: Mad At You by Why Don't We

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now