Chapter 51: Definitely!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Colby: I'll start packing now

Riley: ok I guess..

Colby walks over to me

Colby: is there any particular reason why you wanna leave? Did I do something? Did Sam do something? Did Jake do Something? Did Corey-

Riley: no, no one did anything I just wanna leave

Colby: please tell me the truth. You know you can tell me anything right?

Riley: yeah I know and I am telling you the truth

Colby: fine, I won't bug you about it

He grabs the pillow from beside me and throws it at Jake. Jake rolls over and looks at me

Jake: what was that for?

I pointed to Colby.

Colby: get up, we are leaving

Jake: what, why?

Colby: because I said so

Jake: ok, ok jeez


We left the hotel about an hour ago. I sat in the back with Sam. Jake and Corey were asleep in the middle seats. Colby and Shea were in the front.

Sam: hey, you ok?

Riley: hm? Yeah I'm fine

Sam: I'm sorry about Shea

Riley: why are you apologizing?

Sam: because I can't make the situation better..

Riley: it's ok, don't worry about it

Sam: you will tell me if she says something else right?

Riley: yeah

Sam smiled and hugged me.

Colby: you two ok back there?

We both nodded.

Riley: Sam?

Sam: yes?

Riley: can we do something when we get home?

Sam: like what?

Riley: I don't know. I just wanna go out somewhere with you or maybe you and Kat

Sam: I would love to! I'll text her right now

//Sam's P.O.V//


Sam- Hey babe?

Katrina🥰- hii, what's up?

Sam- Riley wants to go somewhere with us when we get back. Are you interested in doing that?

Katrina🥰- definitely! Sounds like a good idea to me!

Sam- ok

Sam- ily

Katrina🥰- ilyy

I'm the worst.

Word Count: 317

Favorite Song: Fallin by Why Don't We

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now