Chapter 31: Trap House 2.0?

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//Riley's P.O.V//

*the next morning*

I woke up early and I have been on my phone for a few hours now. I was looking at a bunch of random Instagram accounts and now I want to re decorate my room. I got up so I could get changed then my phone started ringing.

I grabbed it off my bed and answered.

Riley: hello?

Tara: heyyyy

Riley: oh, hey Tara, what's up?

Tara: why didnt you tell me you're moving closer to my house!?

Riley: what?

Tara: Jake said you guys are moving and the house will be closer to my house!

Riley: we aren't moving, he might be but I dont think Colby and I are...

Tara: no, he said him, Sam and you two are moving in together, did you really not know?

Riley: no...?

Tara: oh

Riley: Hold on, I'm gonna go talk to Colby, I'll call you back.

Tara: ok

I hung up and walked to Colby's room. I heard him talking to I knocked. I heard him whisper then say "come in"

I walked in.

Colby: what's up?

Riley: why didnt you tell me that we are moving...again

Colby: what are you talking about?

Riley: Tara told me that Jake told her that we are moving...?

Colby: yeah, I told you weeks ago

Riley: what? No you didn't

Colby: yes I did

Riley: why cant I remember then?

Colby: *shrugs*

Riley: ok...well when are we moving out?

Colby: in like a week

Riley: really?!

Colby: yeah

Riley: wait is Jake actually living with us?!

Colby: yeah, so are Sam and Corey

Riley: NO WAY

I quickly run to my room and text Tara.

Riley- Omg omg omg omg Taraaaa I get to moveeeee

Tara💜- oh, so now you're excited 🤣

Riley- yessssss

Tara💜- Are you gonna let me help you decorate your room?!

Riley- ofc!!!

Riley- I just don't want a bunch of pink or anything

Tara💜- deal!

Tara💜- I'm gonna go search for stuff rn!!

Riley- ok🤣

She didn't respond after that. I finally got dressed and went back on Instagram.



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