Part 1: Are you serious?!?

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//Riley's P.O.V:// *Friday*

Today is adoption day, meaning multiple people are coming today to meet kids and adopted them. I know I'm not getting adopted so I just stayed in my room the whole day. Then before I knew it came Saturday. I layed in bed and watched youtube for hours when randomly one other girl from the orphanage came in.

Bailey: Riley, Riley, come on, come on!

Riley: what do you want!?

Bailey: there is someone out there that want to adopt someone your age! *smiles and giggles* come on!

Riley: ughh, no, leave me alone!

Bailey: fine, cya

she rolls her eyes as she shuts the door behind her. God she is so obnoxious, I can't wait for her to get adopted. I heard a knock at the door a little while later.


Grace: *opens the door* knock knock *smiles*

Riley: oh, hi Grace..

Grace: are you sure you don't want to come out, he seems nice. I think he would love to adopt you.

Riley: yeah right! you said that about the other 35 people!

Grace: come on Riley, don't be like this

Riley: it's true! Now get out!

Grace: fine, sorry *walks out*

I got up and left my room to get a glass of water. As I am about to walk back upstairs with my water, I see a guy that looks so farmilir that I freak out and drop my glass, as it shatters on the ground the guy turns his head twords me, we make eye contact, that's when I realize who it is, Colby Brock!?! He bult down the stares

Colby: are you ok?!

Riley: yeah...

Colby: are you sure?

Riley: *nods*

Grace: *runs over with a mop* be a little more careful next time ok Riley?

Riley: sorry

Colby: Riley..nice name

Riley: thank you Colb-

Colby: *laughs*

Riley: hehe...

Colby: how old are you?

Riley: 15

Colby: ah yes, what a fun age

Riley: *shrugs*

Colby: how long have you been here?

Riley: 10 years

Colby: oh damn, that's crazy, im sorry

Riley: *nods* yeah it's all I really know

Colby: do you like it here?

Riley: not in the slightest, 99% of people only foster me because they feel bad for me. Nobody actually wants to adopt a teen

Colby: I'm sorry that you feel that way

Riley: its no biggie, I should go back to my room now

Colby: oh, ok, it was nice to meet you

Riley: you too *smiles*

I walked back to my room while Colby walked in the opposite direction

*the next day*

Grace: *walks in* get packed *smiles*

Riley: why?

Grace: you just got adopted!

Riley: mhm, sure I did

Grace: just pack up and come downstairs

Riley: I swear if this is some sick joke again

I pack up my few things and leave my room walking downstairs.

Grace: I'm gonna miss you

Riley: you know I won't be gone long

Grace: you heard what I said right, you were adopted.

Riley: no I heard! who is the unlucky person this time

Colby: I wouldn't say unlucky

I turn around and see Colby standing there with a smile stretched from ear to ear and i begin to do the same

Riley: are you serious!?

Words count: 558

Favorite song: Come To Brazil by Why Don't We

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now