Chapter 15: I'll go tomorrow...

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//Riley's P.O.V//


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and 14,282 others

Rileybrock been through hell and back in such a short amount of time😥


Colbybrock glad to have you back❤

Samgolbach You are a fighter though, if you had to again we all know you would survive

Tarayummyy love you bestie glad you are okay❤

Katrinastuartoffical pretty girl❤

Jakewebber9 @tarayummyy your bestie!? She is mine Tara!

Tarayummyy @jakewebber9 you wish!

Jakewebber9 @tarayummyy no! You wish!

Katrinastuartoffical @tarayummyy @jakewebber9 you both are incorrect, she is my best friend, end of discussion!


Colby and I were sitting on the couch when he brought up

Colby: so, um, school....

Riley: I'll go tomorrow

Colby: *small smiles and nods*

I return the smile and turn back to the movie and leaning agains his shoulder.

Colby: do you wanna do anything today?

Riley: *shakes head* no

We watched movies all day. Soon came night. I said goodnight to Colby and made my way to my room. As soon as I layed down I remembered I start school tomorrow. UGHHHH!

*The next day*

I was woken up by Colby shaking my arm.

Riley: *groans* come back next year...*whines*

Colby: *laughs* Lets go!

I got up a couple minutes later. Colby left and I got dressed. I then walked out of my room.

Colby: were do you wanna go to eat before school?

Riley: I don't really care..*shrugs*

I grab my bag and we leave the apartment. I slowly make my way to the car still half asleep. We then pulled up to the school.

I looked out the window at the large school it made my old school look so small. Then he parked the car. I sighed and got out of the car.

I looked at Colby then back at the school. I then started walking twords the door. Before opening the door I could clearly hear everyone talking but, as soon as I opened the door and walked in everyone was quiet. They all turned their heads to me. Some people returned to their conversations, some didn't.

I quickly walked forward. I didn't make eye contact with anyone. I could feel other's eyes on me but I continued to walk. I heard someone follow me. I stopped and turned around.

Riley: can I help you?

Person: you are that Riley girl aren't you!?

Riley: yeah....?

Person: Just a heads up, just because you were adopted by Colby doesn't make you special, okay?! You won't be popular and I suggest you stay out of my way, k, thanks! *rolls eyes and walks away*

Riley: *sighs* off to such a great start

Next chapter will be a lot longer!

Word Count: 460

Favorite Song: Blue Roses by Katrina Stuart💙🌹

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now