Chapter 14: I found it!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Person: I have looked all over LA for you!

Riley: why the hell you try and find me?!

Person: I'm your mother that's why!

Riley: yeah right! you are no mother to me!

Riley's Mom: well I regret what I did!

Riley: guess what, I don't care, you were 10 years, too late!

Riley's Mom: it's never too fvcking late! now let's go home!

Riley: in case you haven't noticed, I am home!

Riley's Mom: do you think I wanted to give you up!?

Riley: yes, yes I did, you had absolutely no remorse in doing so!

Riley's mom: you had no idea what I was going through!

Riley: you can't say that! You had zero idea what I was going through, I have been on my own since I was five years old!

Riley's Mom: I'm sorry okay!?

Riley: whatever!

Riley's Mom: don't whatever me! *grabs Riley's arm*

Riley: let go of me now!

She pulled me out of the apartment and dragged me downstairs

//Colby's P.O.V//

I woke up to the sound of the door slamming. I got up and walked to Riley's room. I didn't see her so I texted Sam.

Colby- is Riley at your place?

Sam- no why?

Colby- I don't know where she is and her phone is right next to me so I can't text her

Sam: ask Jake, idk, keep me posted brother

Colby: k, cya brother

I texted Jake, he hasn't seen her, neither has Kat, Tara, Devyn, Corey, Brennen or anyone else. I started panicking. My phone rang. I quickly picked it up.

Unknown- Stop asking about Riley, she isn't coming home, she is where she belongs!

Colby- wtf are you talking about!?

Unknown- She is my daughter! She wants to say with me!

I didn't reply. I quickly ran to Sam's and told him. Sam texted Jake, he was over in like 20 seconds.

Jake: where tf is my best friend!?!

Colby: I don't know!

Sam: we will find her, I texted everyone they are all looking!

Colby: *sighs and nods*

Jake: call back that number

Colby: what?

Jake: the one that just called

Colby: what if she does want to be with her, I mean it is her mom...

Sam: don't say that! yes it is her biological mother but she doesn't know her. Shes basically a stranger. you adopted her and gave her a home, and she has been happy since then.

Colby: *looks down*

I pulled out my phone and tried calling the number, no answer.

We looked all day, we couldn't find he anywhere, no one knew where she was.

Sam: let's get some sleep, we can keep searching in the morning

I agreed and went back to my apartment. I layed in bed for hours not being able to sleep. I saw the sun come up but still couldn't sleep.

*the next day*

I figured out how to track where the phone is.

Colby: I found it!

Jake: found what?

Colby: where the phone is, aka where Riley is!

Jake: let's go!

Sam slides his shoes on, Jake and I run back to our apartments and get our shoes, then we head downstairs and go to my car. We drive to the location and get out of the car.

Jake: what if I go to the front door and you two try and find another way to get in from the side

Sam: sounds like a good idea to me, what about you Colby?

Colby: *nods*

Then Sam and I walked to the back of the house as Jake went to the front.

//Jake's P.O.V//

I walked to the front door and knocked. The door opened seconds later.

Riley's Mom: how can I help you?

Jake: I just had a couple questions for you

Riley's Mom: for what?


Riley's Mom: you look too old to be in school..

Jake: ...I was um...held back a couple years...but it's an important assignment..related to our community

Riley's Mom: *sighs* fine whatever, get on with it!

I started asking random questions.

//Colby's P.O.V//

Sam and I walked to the back of the house. We saw Riley standing in the window washing dishes. She looked up and saw us standing outside. I hear her yell.

Riley: I'm going outside for a while!

Riley's Mom: okay!

She walks out and runs to Sam and I. I pick her up and hug her. I set her back down and we quickly ran back to the car. Then we see Jake walk our way.

Jake: she is pissed off now, let's go before she realizes Riley isn't there.

I quickly drive off back to the apartments.When we get there we go inside Sam's apartment and the four of us sit on the couch together and watch a movie. She wrapped her arms around me as I did the same. We continued to watch until we all fell asleep on the couch.


I'm sorry posting is slow, I'm trying to as often as I can

Word Count: 855

Favorite Song: Give It Back - Jake Webber, Corey Scherer, Joey, Reed, Tosha

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now