Chapter 45: I Didn't Vote Yet

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//Riley's P.O.V//

*3 hours later*

I woke up when it felt like the car stopped moving.

Riley: what's going on?

I looked out the window and saw a gas station.

Colby: Sam and I are switching spots, he's gonna drive for a while, you can go back to sleep

Riley: I'm not tired anymore

Colby: is Jake still asleep?

I look at him, he's laying back with his head on a pillow that's against the window sound asleep. I look back at Colby and nod.

Colby: what would you like to do?

Riley: I wanna be there already

I see Shea roll her eyes as she gets into the middle row of seats with Colby.

Colby: well we still have a while to go but don't worry, we will find somewhere to stop so we can look around for a while

Riley: why didnt we just fly?

Colby: it was your idea to drive

Riley: ok well it was a bad idea

Shea: yeah no kidding

Colby: what?

Shea: oh no, not her I was thinking out loud about something else..

Colby: oh

She smiles at Colby then pulls her phone out of her pocket. Colby turns around to face the front of the car as Sam gets in the driver seat and Corey gets in the passenger seat.

Sam: is everyone ready?

We all nod.

Sam: ok let's get this show on the road

....I'm kidding, Sam would never say that.

Colby: I'm gonna look up somewhere for us to stop and look around on the way

Riley: yay

Jake: can we please stay the night somewhere?

Colby: since when were you awake

Jake: just now

Colby: don't you just wanna get the drive over with?

Jake: it's gonna be so late by the time we even make it to Oregon

Riley: what time is it now?

Colby: almost 4pm

Riley: really?

Colby: yeah

Jake: we still have at least 10 more hours

Colby: I guess that's true. Sam what do you think?

Sam: it's up to you guys, I don't really care either way

Colby: what do you wanna do Shea?

Shea: I say keep driving. let them complain. If the rest of us are fine that's four against two

Riley: Coreyyyy

Corey: I didnt vote yet

Colby: then what's your vote?

Corey: keep driving

Shea: there, four against two

Jake: wait wait wait, Sam didn't vote

Shea: yes he did

Riley: Jake's right, he said he doesnt care either way.

Shea: well if he picks whatever you said then its tied

Corey: but he might not pick that

Colby: if Sam picks keep driving then we will keep driving, if he picks stay the night somewhere then that's what we will do

Shea: how is that fair? If its tied then its tied.

Colby: well no one else is here to vote so its Sam's decision

Sam: uhhhh

Riley: please Sam, Jake and really really wanna stay somewhere

Corey: nah, let's just keep driving then the drive is done faster

Riley: no, staying somewhere is a way better decision then you wont get tired

Corey: he's gonna get tired either way that's why he and Colby will keep switching

Jake: comon' Sam, pleaseee

Corey: Dont listen to them Sam

Colby: yeah dont listen to them

Shea: they are the youngest, their decisions shouldnt count

Riley: that doesnt even make sense

Jake: when has that ever been a rule?

Sam: can yall stop? It's my decision so stop pestering me!

Riley: sorry

Jake: sorry Sam

Colby: sorry

Sam: we are gonna stay somewhere

Riley and Jake: yayyyyy!!!

I layed back in the seat and started watching YouTube videos

Riley: why didnt we go with them

Jake: bc exploring is kind of there thing

Riley: true

Short chapter but I'm writing a long chapter next :)

Word Countv 639

Favorite Song: Attraction by Katrina Stuart

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