Part 3: That's me!

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//Riley's P.O.V// *Next Morning*

I got up the next morning and got dressed then headed downstairs to find Katrina and Devyn in the kitchen.

Katrina: Hey Ri, we are gonna have to go pick up Tara

Riley: alrighty

We ate breakfast and left the house. It already feels like I've spent my whole life here. We picked up Tara and headed to the mall.

Devyn: where to first?

Riley: I have no idea what's here. We should look through whatever's popular right now

Tara: you're so right

We walked to American eagle and looked around. I found a few outfits there then we went to a different store. We walked into H&M then Hollister. We then went to Forever 21 and lastly urban outfitters.

Riley: thank you guys so much!

Katrina: of course!

Tara: now you have lots of outfits to rock!

Devyn: *smiles*

We went back to the house.

Colby: hey Riley?

Riley: yeah?

Colby: I'm going over to brennen's house to film a video with him, do you wanna come?

Riley: yeah sure, I'm gonna go put some of my new clothes on

Colby: ok, I'll go start the car

Riley: i will outside in a minute.

Colby left the house and I ran upstairs to my room and quickly changed before heading outside to meet him in the car. Then we arrived at Brennen's after a short drive

Brennen: What's up, Riley right?

Riley: that's me!

Brennen: nice to meet you

Riley: you too

Colby: ready to get this video started?

Brennen: yeah for sure!

We went inside and Brennen started his video.

Brennen: hey guys, how you guys doing, my name is Brennen Taylor, if you don't know, now you know, if you're not part of the Taylor fam yet, what are you doing, hit the subscribe button, turn on post notifications so you never miss a post...

*after filming*

Brennen: do you have a video idea yet for this week?

Colby: well, I gotta introduce Riley to the fans at some point, not yet though, unless you're cool with it?

Riley: I mean, I was gonna make an Instagram account soon, so better now than later I guess.

Colby: when do you want to make it?

Riley: anytime, I don't really care *shrugs*

Brennen: well I gotta get to editing

Colby: ok, well we are gonna head out then

Brennen: again it was nice to meet you Riley

Riley: you too *smiles*

We left Brennen's and got back to the Trap house a little later.

Colby: yo guys!??

Colby walked around the house asking everyone if they had time to film a video tomorrow. They all agreed to be in it. I stayed up watching tv with Colby and Jake again until I fell asleep on the couch. My head was on Colby's lap, my feet on Jake's lap.


Word Count: 487

Favorite Song: I Love You, Goodbye by Elton Castee

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now