Part 4: Hello!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I woke up in my room and looked at the time

Riley: 12:00!! ugh

I got up and got dressed then walked to Colby's room.

Riley: Colby?

Colby: Hey sleepy head, what's up?

Riley: Can we go eat? I'm starving

Colby: yeah sure, Jake said he was hungry too

Riley: is anyone else coming?

Colby: I don't know, I don't think so

Riley: ok

Colby: i'm gonna get dressed i'll be downstairs in a minute

Riley: *nods*

I walk downstairs and sit on the couch. Then Colby and Jake walked downstairs a little later.

Colby: ready?

Riley: yep

We went out to the car and drove off. After we got to the restaurant we sat down.

Colby: you still up to making the video later?

Riley: yeah, we can film it when we get back.

Colby: cool

Jake: and maybe next video you could do a Q and A
Riley: good idea!

*back at the house*

While Colby was setting up the camera I walked through out the house, telling everyone to come downstairs. We started the video. Colby, Jake, Sam, Katrina, Corey, Devyn and I piled on the couch. Arron stayed in his room playing Fortnite.

during the video Colby mentioned tweeting questions to ask me for a different video. Everyone was being super nice and funny, you know, their usual selves. We ended the video a little later and Colby went upstairs to edit.

Jake: now what?

Riley: I don't know

Devyn: I'm gonna go take a nap

Riley: ok

Everyone but Jake and I left. He stretched out on the couch and pulled out his phone. I did the same. While laying there Jake randomly said.

Jake: you should make an Instagram account

Riley: Ok, but you gotta take a picture of me for my pfp

Jake: ok *shrugs*

He took the picture and then i started creating my account

He took the picture and then i started creating my account

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Riley: thanks Jake

Jake: no problem

I went on Instagram and followed everyone I could think of. Colby, Jake, Sam, Corey, Devyn, Kat, Tara, Arron, Elton, Kevin, Mike, Brennen, Jake, Reggie, Xepher, ect. Jake and I went to the other living-room and watched Youtube for the day. Colby joined after a while.

Word Count: 479

Favorite Song: My Boy by Billie Eilish

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now