Chapter 36: Yes! I'll Be There

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I woke up to the sound of Colby and Brennen laughing. I then noticed Jake was gone so I left the movie room and went to them.

Riley: why are you laughing so loud?

Colby: oh its nothing, we were just talking about something that happened while we were gone

Riley: ok...

Colby smiles.

Brennen: how have you been Rile-

He gets interrupted by Sam talking as he walks quickly down the stairs.

Sam: Guys we have to fly there within the next week, all flights after that are booked!

Colby: fly where?

Sam: Oregon

Colby: why the fvck are you going to Oregon

Riley: correction, WE are going

Colby: wait what, I don't remember talking about that

Riley: that's because you didn't

Colby: I'm so confused

Brennen left while we were all talking. Jake walked in mid conversation.

Jake: what's going on?

Colby: did you know that apparently we are going to Oregon

Jake: yeah

Colby: was I the last to know

Corey: *walks down the stairs* yup

Colby: why are we even going

Jake: because Riley had to think of something as a cover u-

I smacked his arm with the back of my hand

Colby: cover up for what?

Riley: nothing, he's just kidding, uh what day are we leaving?

Colby: we cant leave for another 10 days

Riley: what why?

Colby: because we have to start the 10 days of dares

Sam: oh no, I forgot about that

Jake: are the dares bad?

Colby: Idk I forgot what we wrote down for the spinner thing

Riley: I refuse to take part in the 10 days of dares

Sam: that would probably be the best

Corey: yeah if anyone of us for some reason gets hurt it definitely shouldn't be you

Jake: one of us could get hurt!?

Sam: it's possible

Riley: none of you can get hurt bc then we can't go to Oregon

Corey: well as long as we all can walk I think it will be fine

Colby: should we start it today or tomorrow?

Riley: today, that way we can leave sooner

Sam: I think we should do it tomorrow, it's already starting to get dark

Corey: I agree

Riley: ugh, fine

Jake: we should watch a movie or something

Riley: no, we already did that today and you just fell asleep

Jake: *laughs* oh yeah

Sam: maybe we should have pizza night, the last time we had pizza night was a couple weeks before we moved out of our apartments I think

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