Chapter 33: Moving Day!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Yay, it's moving day! I already have everything packed and we are about to head to the new house in about 10 minutes. This is the third time that I have moved since I became a Brock and honestly I'm totally fine with it. I'm not always a big fan of change but this is one thing I do like.

Colby: ready to go!?

I walk out of my room with some stuff in it.

Riley: yep!

Colby: oh, I was supposed to tell you, Tara went to the house yesterday and set up most of your room.

Riley: really?!

Colby: yeah

He starts walking towards the door. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket, opened Instagram and Colby began to walk out.

Colby: I'm gonna go see if Jake is ready to leave, ok?

I nod and he leaves. I sit up on the counter and turn off my phone. Wait I have lived here for so long and I never went upstairs. I get off the counter and walk over to the small, twisted, metal staircase and walk up

*meanwhile, in Riley's comment section*


Liked by tarayummyy xepherwolf and 235,281 others

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Liked by tarayummyy xepherwolf and 235,281 others

Rileybrock Since some people don't know how to act mature I'll be the mature one instead. Bye bye social media👋

Tarayummyy wait for good or for a while?

Colbybrock @tarayummyy just for a while :)

Tarayummyy wait your hair already grew out?

Xepherwolf @tarayummyy it's an old picture. She took it in my car before she got it done

The_dylan running away from everything isn't being mature🤣

Tarayummysworld @the_dylan actually, she isnt "running" at all! The only thing she is trying to do is avoid conflict so this unnecessary bs will go away!

The_dylan @tarayummysworld bruh, you really made another account just so you can try and come at me, lmaoooo

Colbybrocksecret @the_dylan I get the fact that your a child but honestly, grow up! You are making this a way bigger deal than it needs to be

The_dylan @colbybrock you all keep sayin that

Colbybrocksecret @the_dylan then take the hint and stfu!

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