Chapter 20: Happy Birthday!

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I stood outside of the building, waiting for Corey to pick me up.

He got there about 5 minutes later. I got in the car and he drove off.

Corey: sorry I took so long

Riley: it's fine

When we got to the apartment I walked inside and saw Colby.

Riley: meeting huh...?

Colby: yeah...?

Riley: then why is ur hair red? *laughs*

Colby: does it not look good

Riley: no, I love it!

Riley: *whisper* bloody tampon lookin a-

Colby: what was that?

Riley: nothing! It looks great

My phone then conveniently rings

Riley: sorry I-

Colby: it's fine, go ahead

I answer the call from Tara.

Tara: hiiiiii

Riley: hi?

Tara: bad time?

Riley: no, what's up?

Tara: I was wondering if you wanted to go Halloween shopping with me?

Riley: Tara, you know Halloween isnt until the end of the month, right?

Tara: so?!

Riley: yeah, sure, I'll go

Tara: WAIT!

Riley: what...?

Tara: your birthday is in two days!

Riley: oh yeah

Tara: I'm a terrible friend, I forgot my best friend's birthday!

Riley: no you aren't, you're amazing!

*two days later*

I woke up and got ready for school. When I walked out of my room I saw Sam, Colby, Jake, Tara and Corey standing in the livingroom.

All: Happy birthday!

I smiled.

Riley: thanks guys!

I hugged them all. We all talked for a while then I looked at the time.

Riley: who is taking me to school?

All: I will!

Riley: great, I get to pick *laughs*

Riley: I pick.....Sam!

Sam: really? *smiles*

Riley: yeah, I feel like I dont spend that much time with you, let's go

Sam and I leave the building. He drops me off at school.

Riley: thanks Sam, see you later

Sam: have a great day Ri!

I walked inside the building and walked straight to my locker.

Short chapter, posting again soon!

Word Count: 328

Favorite song: Yellow Hearts by Ant Saunders

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now