Chapter 25: We Need To Talk...

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//Riley's P.O.V//

I walked around trying to find Gabbie then I finally did, she was holding a baby.

Riley: omgggggg

Gabbie: *laughs* hiiii

Riley: *hugs her* Gabs she is so cute!

Gabbie: thanks *smiles*

Colby: we are leaving let's go Riley

Riley: nooooo

Sam: Riley we have been here for like 4 hours, let's go

Riley: fineeee

*one month later* (ik that skipped a lot but all that happened during that time was Riley going to school, her and Dylan rarely hanging out and Riley and Gabbie hanging out once)

Riley: can we go nowww??

Colby: no, not yet, we have to wait for Sam

Riley: its just a fake one why do we need Sam?

Colby: it's just a fake one why do you wanna go so bad?

Riley: ha, ha funny *says sarcastically*

Colby: *slides shoes on* let's go

Riley: yay

Colby opens the door as Sam is about to, to walk in.

Sam: you were gonna leave without me!?

Riley: yes, now let's go! *pushes him out of the door way*

Sam: *laughs* ok, ok!

We went downstairs and got in Colby's car and drove to the store. We walked inside and I immediately walked to the Christmas section and point to a tall tree.

Riley: this one.

Colby:its too big

Riley: no it's not!

Sam: I'll get it, you can have Christmas at my place instead of the grinch over there

Colby: heyy!

Riley: *giggles* ok

Colby: fine I'll get the huge tree! *rolls eyes smiling*

Sam: told you it would work

Riley: *nods and giggles*

Colby: can we go now?

Riley: yeah

*back at the house*

I set up the tree while Colby goes over to Sam's. As I put the final decorations on i step back to take a picture and Sam walks in.

Sam: *grabs her phone* stand in front of the tree and I'll take the picture *smiles*

Riley: thanks Sam!

I do so as he takes the picture. He hands me back my phone and I post it on Instagram.

Sam: no problem, wanna come over? Kat just got here, Jake and Tara are about to walk over and Xepher and Griffin are also over. I think Kevin will come over later tonight.

Riley: yeah, that sounds like fun!

I hear my phone beep indicating that someone texted me. I pull my phone out and see a text from Dylan, I walk to my room and read

Dylan- We need to talk...

Updating is slow bc I don't have any ideas for what to write next and also have no motivation so it will continue to be slow until I have more ideas.

Word count: 452

Favorite Song: COPYCAT by Billie Eilish

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now