Part 6: COLBY!?!?

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//Riley's P.O.V//
(This part will intentionally have some inaccurate points due to the point of the story)

I woke up, did my usual morning routine and then walked to Colby's room. I saw him packing a bag.

Riley: whatcha doin?

Colby: packing my bag for tomorrow

Riley: what's happening tomorrow?

Colby: we are going to witches forest..?

Riley: that's tomorrow?!

Colby: why, what's the problem?

I left his room and went back to mine, grabbing my phone and texting Tara.

Riley- bad news...

Tara- what happened?

Riley- we have to cancel hanging out tomorrow

Tara- why?

Riley- I thought we weren't leaving to the forest till the day after tomorrow. turns out we are going tomorrow.

Tara- that's ok, we can always reschedule

Riley- ok

I started packing my bag

Riley: COLBY!?

Colby: YEAH!?



Riley: K!

I finished packing then snuck into Jake's room while he was asleep and grabbed his laptop. I walked back to my room and sat on my bed. I opened it to Youtube.

Riley: awww he has seen all of Tara's videos!

Colby: who has? who's laptop is that?

Riley: Jake has, and it's his

Colby: *laughs and smiles* oh

*playes sam and colby video*

video- what's up guys, it's sam and colby!

Riley: now, if you will excuse, I am watching youtube

Colby: ok *shrugs*

He leaves the room and goes to his.

*the next day*

It's cloudy, which is weird because it LA. Colby, Sam, Jake and I went out to the car. We wanted to get to the forest early/before dark. as we got higher into the mountains the fog grew thicker. We could hardly see the rode ahead of us. We finally stopped at the house. (the Wicca/Jennifer's friend. if you know, you know.) We met her then went inside.

After about an hour there. We headed into the forest. As we got deeper and deeper we finally stopped. We got out of the car. grabbed stuff out of the back of the car and walked around. We found a spot, surrounded by trees. We set up the tent.

Sam: what are we going to do now, we have like 5 hours until dark?

Colby: I don't know

Jake: we could go look around...

Riley: I'm down

Colby: ok

Sam: sure

We walked around for hours. As time passed the sun began to set. I grew anxious while being out there in the dark, so we shuffled to find the tent while shivering due to the temperature drop. When we found it we went inside and just talked. I soon fell asleep. A few minutes later Colby wrapped his arm around me and fell asleep too. I felt safe around these guys, especially Colby.

Soon enough night fell. Sam ended up pulling out the camera. Around 10 There was a loud crash, waking both Colby and I quickly.

Colby: what the fvck was that!?

we left the tent. We didn't see anything.

Jake: It might have just been an animal

Riley: the one time Jake actually says something logical.

Jake: hey what's that supposed to mean!?

Colby: she isn't wrong

Sam: *laughs*

*an hour later*

Colby and Jake went to find wood to add to our fire. Sam and I just talked to the camera. Then, a few minutes later I saw Jake running towards us.

Sam: where is Colby?!

Jake: right behind me

He turned around and none of us saw Colby.

Jake: what happened!?!

Jake: idk, we were grabbing some wood then heard a like, growl noise. We bolted. I thought he was right behind me the whole time!

We started panicking and yelled for Colby.

Sam: COLBY!?!?

Jake: COLBY!?!

Riley: COLBY!?!?

After half an hour of yelling we heard footsteps come form the opposite direction that Jake and Colby had went. We turned and saw a bright light.

Sam: COLBY!?!

The figure got closer. We soon saw Colby running towards us panting. I ran up to him, hugging him and started crying out of pure relief. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I couldn't stop crying. He walked me to the tent and sat me down. Then he hugged me tighter while rubbing my back to calm me. After a few minutes I was calmed down and had fallen asleep.

//Colby's P.O.V//

Sam: * whispers* you want to explain what just happened for the video?

Colby: *whispers* no, I don't want to leave her. She was scared I'm staying right here!

Sam: okay

Sam and Jake fell asleep a little later. As did I. I didn't let go of Riley all night. I woke up multiple times in the night from a nightmare. I don't usually have nightmares. Since we are in a haunted forest...idk something was off.


Word count: 823

Favorite Song: La La Land by Katrina Stuart

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now