Chapter 50: Don't apologize, it's fine

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//Riley's P.O.V//

Sam: Hey Riley, me and the boys are heading towards the front, you coming?

Riley: uh yeah, I'll be right there

Sam walked away.

Parker: is that your brother?

Riley: kinda

Parker: oh, half brother?

Riley: it's complicated...well not really but idk how to explain it

Corey: she was adopted by one of my best friends and we are all close like family now let's goooo

Corey grabs my arms and lightly pulls me away from the aisle.

Parker: I'll see you around

Corey: no you won't

Parker follows us

Parker: what do you mean?

Corey: we're going back to California soon

Parker: you live in California?

Riley: yeah

Parker: oh...

Corey: can't you two just exchange numbers or something so we can go?

Riley: why do you wanna go so bad

Corey: we don't want to wait around the store just so you can talk to someone and Jake is complaining about his feet and back hurting

Riley: he's just being a crybaby but fine.

I give Parker my Instagram since I only talk to the group on actual messages. I say bye and we leave the store.

*at the hotel room*

Jake: when are we going home?

Colby: what do you mean, we haven't even gone exploring

Jake: we explored the city and you're the one who said we aren't going to the abandoned place

Colby: I never said that

Riley: here we go again

Sam rolls his eyes.

Colby: why are you all so angry I don't understand

Corey: we aren't angry I think we are all just tired

Colby: oh...ok I guess

Colby went to his room and we all layed down.

I started watching a movie with the boys but Jake and Corey fell asleep.

Riley: he seems happy with her, do you think they will last?

Sam: I'm not sure. But if they do that's not gonna be good for him

Riley: what do you mean

Sam: She could breaks his heart or she could say something that will really hurt him

Riley: no no no, I don't want that to happen

Sam: I don't either but unfortunately it's not something that we can control

Riley: I guess you're right...

Sam: sorry for making you think about that

Riley: don't apologize, it's fine

Sam: it's not, I don't want you to be upset

Riley: you can't really control how I feel

Sam: I know but still

We continued to talk for what felt like hours. As every minute passed I became more and more exhausted until I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*the next morning*

I wake up to the sound of an alarm. It's not mine though. I sit up and look around. Everyone else is asleep still. The alarm stops. I see the door that joins our room with Colby's open. He peeks his head through and looks around

Riley: what are you doing?

Colby: making sure the tv in my room didn't wake anyone up in here

Riley: the tv?

Colby: yeah, whoever turned it on last musr have been mostly deaf it was so loud

Riley: yeah I heard

Colby: sorry 

Riley: it's fine, it's not your fault

Colby: are you ok?

Riley: yeah I'm fine

Colby: are you sure?

I shrug

Colby: please tell me what's wrong

Riley: i just wanna go home, that's all

Colby: then we will leave later today

Riley: no no, I can wait

Colby: but if you don't wanna stay here then we should leave

Riley: don't you wanna stay?

Colby: kinda but if you don't wanna stay then I don't either

I was gonna write more but I have to go to a zoom meeting now so I'll just try and write another charter after I'm done with school

Word Count: 635

Favorite Song: Wishing Well by Juice Wrld

Adopted By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now