Chapter 11: Goodbye Trap House

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//Riley's P.O.V//

The next morning I woke up and saw Colby on the other side of the bed closer to the wall on his phone. He looked over to me and smiled.

Riley: hi *laughs*

Colby: hi *laughs*

We talked for a while I began to tell him about my weird reoccurring dream. He then told me about what happened while he was in the forest. He then explained how he, Sam and Jake were going to Kansas for a week to film a new series they are calling the Origin.

He talked about it and said that this trip could get rid of any bad spirits or demons that are most likely attached to them. I told him that is a good idea but could also be dangerous if they do something wrong.

Colby: do you wanna come?

Riley: no way! Witches forest was scary enough.

Colby: you don't wanna come see Kansas?

Riley: you, Sam and Jake made it sound like the worst place ever in videos though..

Colby: it's not that bad..pleaseeeee

Riley: *sighs* I'll think about it...

Jake: yay!

We turned our heads to the door.

Colby: how long have you been standing there?

Jake: long enough to hear that Riley is coming with us!

Riley: MAYBE!

Jake: maybe...yes...same difference

I rolled my eyes playfully at Jake. I then got up.

Colby: where you going?

Riley: to change out of my clothes from yesterday

Colby: oh

Riley: I'll be back...*laughs*

Colby: *laughs*

I playfully pushed Jake out of the door way so I could walk out. I went into my room and got dressed in a black crop top with cherries on it with a pair of black ripped jeans. I walked back to Colby's room. He through a shirt on and walked to the door.

Colby: Sam and I are going out to eat you wanna come?

Riley: yeah, sure!

Jake: can I come?

Colby: yeah, Sam you ready?!

Sam: coming!  he opens his door across from Colby's room and follows us down the stairs.

Corey: you guys are going out to eat without me?!

Colby: you can come..

Corey: Devyn come downstairs Colby is buying breakfast today!!

She quickly came downstairs.

Colby: *sighs*

Aaron walked by.

Colby: do you wanna come too Aaron?

Aaron: no

He pushed past Colby and I, then walked back upstairs shutting his door. 

Colby: ok...?

Then we all went outside. I got in Colby's car with him, Jake and Sam. Corey and Devyn got in Corey's car. We drove to the restaurant. We all walked in and sat down. After a few minutes we ordered. We ate, Colby payed.



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