Chapter #4

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Azriel stared down at Nyx in wonderment. Nyx was currently chewing on his fathers overcoat sleeve.

Azriel huffed a laugh and brushed a finger over Nyx's delicate cheek.

"I think Nyx is a little hungry," Azriel continued to watch Nyx devour Rhys' sleeve.

"I swear we fed him," Rhys looked down at his son and laughed, "maybe after this we can go ask mommy for some dinner," He finished in his baby voice and Nyx looked up at him.

"How often does he eat?" Azriel ran a finger down Nyx's soft wing. He had never seen wings so tiny– so precious before.

"I didn't know you were so interested in baby feeding times," Rhys teased, and a faint pink stained Azriel's cheeks.

"I was just curious," Azriel rolled his eyes trying to hide his embarrassment as a shadow lept off his finger and Nyx tried to grab it.

The music started playing and everyone stood up as Cassian walked in. That's when he heard her voice.

Azriel was completely entranced in the music that he didn't even notice Cassian arrive at the end of the asial.

Her voice hit notes high and low like waves crashing on the shore. He had never heard something so beautiful in his life. It was so beautiful that it was almost painful. It felt as though his heart was being ripped open and stuffed with sunshine.

If it weren't for Rhys bumping into his shoulder, trying to hold the squirming Nyx, Azriel might have stayed in that wonderful daze and missed the whole wedding.

Azriel watched as Nesta walked down the asial arm in arm with her sisters. Azriel still couldn't completely focus when the song reached its climax. It felt like it was begging him to search for the owner of the voice.

Now just Nesta and Cassian stood at the end of the asial looking at each other with as much emotion as this song made him feel.

The notes got quieter and diminished into nothing as did Azriels heart. He had never felt like that before. He frowned as the uncertainty bubbling up in his chest. He did not like feeling things anew.

Nesta and Cassian had joined hands and began their vows.

"Cassian, all my life I always knew I was hard to love. I always put up walls and when people get tired of trying to love me they would just give up. they would always leave, but you were different. No matter how many times I pushed you away you would always stay. You were the only one who would stay. Even when I feel I don't deserve you, you remind me that everyone is worthy of love and happiness. Your heart Cassian, is a gift that I do not deserve but I promise to protect it every day of my life." Nesta finished, tears streaming down her face and Azriel marveled at the fragile sight. He did not think he had ever seen Nesta cry before.

He watched as Cassian smiled down at her with so much devotion lining his eyes, and began his vows.

"Nesta, I've never been great with words, but for you I want to be. Nes, for you I would do anything. you make me think about the world in a different way, you make me question things that never thought possible. You challenge me in the best way, you challenge my love, and for you I have infinite amounts of it. So you could Break my heart a hundred times and I would come back a thousand more because I will never stop loving you, and wanting to be with you. So, I love you Nesta and I would spend the rest of my life fighting if it meant even an ounce of happiness for you." Azriel smiled at the sight before him.

Yes, he had seen Cassian cry many times, but never with such tears of joy. He didn't think anyone could even love this deeply. It was beautiful. It might have been the most beautiful sight he had even seen, had he not looked towards the piano. 

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