Chapter #38

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This chapter is about our favorite new couple Emrie and Mor!
"If I was a dragon would you still want to be with me?" Mor asked leaning against Emrie while they were walking in the halls of the house of wind.
Mor was definitely drunk and Emrie was trying to walk her to her room to make sure she would be ok.
Mor managed to winnow them here from Rita's instead of her estate.
But Emrie didn't want Mor to winnow anywhere else while she was this wasted so she would have to stay here.
"Only if you were a green dinosaur," Emrie said, basically carrying Mor at this point.
Emrie had no idea where she was going; she had only ever stayed in Nesta's room or the library.
She led Mor over to a room, hoping nobody was in it.
Emrie opened the door and Mor gasped as she looked inside.
"That's Az's room," she said, then walked in before Emrie could stop her.
"Where is he?" Mor asked concerned and Emrie smiled.
This was so... Mor. She was absolutely wasted and still managed to worry about her friends.
"Mor, we probably shouldn't be in here if this is his room," Emrie said walking over to what looked like another door in his room.
"By the mother," Mor said giggling.
"What?" Emrie asked, walking over and looking into the other room.
Then she saw them. Gwyn and Azriel were both sprawled out on the floor covered in papers and books.
Emrie started laughing and Mor put a finger over her lips and said, "shhhhhh, they're sleeping."
Emrie was shocked by Gwyn and Az and would definitely be asking Gwyn about it tomorrow at training, but right now all she could see was Mor's beautiful honey brown eyes and the way they sparkled.
"We should prank them," Mor said with a Mischievous smile.
And Emrie could help but say yes. Anything Mor asked for, anything Emrie had she would give it to this amazing woman.
"What did you have in mind," Emrie asked and Mor's smile turned sinister.
"Gwyn is going to kill me," Emrie said, walking Mor into an empty bedroom.
"Don't forget about Az," Mor said with a lazy grin.
"Yeah, but you were the one who drew a mustache on his face so you will have to face his wrath," Emrie said sitting Mor on the end of the bed.
She pulled Mor's High heels off then, pulled back the covers and motioned for Mor to get under them.
"You know what I was thinking, Em?" Mor said, crawling to get under the covers, giving Emrie a great display of her ass.
"What?" Emrie asked Excited for what drunken Mor had to say.
"You know how I call you Em," Mor started and Emrie nodded.
"And my name starts with an M so my nickname would be the same as yours!" Mor said and Emrie laughed.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Emrie said, pulling the covers over Mor.
Mor nestled under more making her look adorable.
"Goodnight, M," Emrie said jokingly, and Mor smiled.
Emrie pressed a kiss to Mor's forehead and turned to leave but she felt Someone grab her wrist.
"You're not going to stay?" Mor asked pulling Emrie towards her.
Mor pulled Emrie down and gently kissed her lips.
Emrie had no idea how Mor still had so much control over the kiss when she was this drunk.
"Stay," Mor whispered on Emrie's lips.
Emrie nodded and took off her shoes. Mor scooted over to make room and Emrie slipped under the covers.
Mor immediately snuggled into Emrie's side and Emrie breathed in her toffee scent.
Emrie could drown in Mor, her touch, her scent, her eyes, her lips.
"Em?" Mor asked and Emrie said, "Yes?"
"I think you're beautiful," Mor said and added, "I want to keep you forever if that's ok."
Emrie huffed a laugh and said, "that's ok with me."

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