Chapter #51

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"Can I try that?"
Azriel scrunched his brows at Gwyn's words.
"This," he held up his glass of whiskey.
Gwyn frowned, "yes."
They were currently on one of the many lush couches in one of the many living areas in the riverside estate.
"I don't think you would like it very much."
"Why not, I've had alcohol before."
Azriel sparked with interest.
"You have?"
"Of course I have, I'm not a child," she narrowed her eyes, which made the blue seem even more prominent.
He definitely didn't think she was a child.
"You really want to try this?"
She would hate it. Azriel knew she would hate it, still he held the glass out to her.
She took it and examined the liquid before placing her full pink lips along the edge and taking a sip.
Azriel was unable to breath for a whole minute.
This was easily one of the most attractive things he had ever seen.
He then watched her swallow and her face scrunch with disgust which was one of the cutest things he had ever seen.
"I told you, you wouldn't like it," he laughed.
She started coughing and handed the glass back to him.
"Well, you didn't tell me it was literal liquid fire," Gwyn said in between coughs which made Azriel laugh even harder.
"Are you ok?" Nesta asked, walking over to them.
"Gwyn thought it would be a good idea to try whiskey," Azriel grinned and Gwyn glared at him.
Nesta handed Gwyn her glass of water, which Gwyn downed in one gulp likely trying to get the "liquid fire" taste out of her mouth.
"You're probably more of a wine person," Cassian said, walking in with wine in one hand and his other arm was around the high lady.
Rhys came in shortly after holding Nyx, who was still bubbly as ever.
"You're starting to sound like Mor," Feyre said, handing him some glassware.
"Where is she by the way?" Amren asked, walking in with Elain.
"Em told me Mor wasn't feeling well so they left a little while ago," Nesta said sitting down next to Gwyn.
Mor wasn't feeling well? Mor never gets sick. Azriel made a mental note to check on her later.
"More wine for us," Cassian said, taking a glass of wine and flopping onto a chair.
"Do you like wine?" Gwyn asked Azriel as Feyre poured another glass and handed it to Gwyn.
Everyone looked towards him for an answer.
His shadows started swirling around his fingers, a nervous tic. Azriel wasn't the biggest fan of attention. He was never really sure what to do with it. He never knew what people wanted from him.
If it was just him and Gwyn he would tell her all about his preferences, he would tell her anything she wanted to know.
"He loves wine," Cassian said for him, "could even down a whole bottle in one sitting—
"That was one time," he said defensively and Feyre laughed.
Yes, if he remembered correctly it had been her and Cassian who said he should have a drink.
"It just doesn't seem to take the edge off anymore," he said, "and I've grown to like whiskey."
"Me too," Rhys said as a glass of whiskey appeared in his hand.
Not one second later Nyx winnowed out of Rhysand's arms into Gwyn's lap.
Rhys looked like he was going to die, but he saw Nyx safely in Gwyn lap, and rubbed at his temples.
"That kid," Rhys mumbled but Azriel could hear the smile in his voice.
"Hello," Gwyn smiled softly as Nyx played with the ends of her sweater.
"I'm sorry Gwyn," Feyre said, getting up but Gwyn held Nyx close.
"It's alright, really. I used to watch over the children at the temple. I miss it."
Azriel didn't miss the hint of sadness in her voice. He wished he could go back, he wished he could have given those hyburn soldiers a fate worse than death.
Feyre sat back down, but looked reluctant to do so. Either she was so attached to Nyx she wanted to hold him, or she didn't trust Gwyn.
Why wouldn't she trust Gwyn?
"Do you think your babe will have wings?" Gwyn asked Nesta and Cassian.
Nesta smiled and looked down at her stomach, "I don't know, she is half Illyrian so—-
"It's a girl?!" Gwyn squealed, and Nyx giggled.
Azriel took a mental picture of this moment, hoping to keep it forever.
"Dammit, why does that keep happening," Nesta frowned and Cassian laughed.
"Yes, she's a girl," Cassian said then frowned, "Mor is going to kill me when she finds out she is last to know."
More congratulations we're shared along with some name ideas for the little one on the way.
Soon after Elain and Amren got up to leave.
Amren was going to summer to see Varian and Elain claimed she was tired.
Nyx was starting to fall asleep in Gwyn's arms and Azriel thought it was one of the most precious things he had ever seen.
Nyx's wings flopping down and his eyelashes were fluttering, as he snuggled more into Gwyn's chest.
"I think it's bedtime," Rhys said in his baby voice.
"We should get going then. Wouldn't want Nyx to be grumpy tomorrow," Cassian said, standing and helping Nesta to her feet.
Gwyn stood up and held Nyx close, and Azriel walked over to place a kiss on his forehead.
Gwyn then handed Nyx to Feyre.
The next couple minutes were a bit blurry for Azriel because all he could think about was getting to spend a little alone time with Gwyn.
Somehow he had managed to thank both Rhys and Feyre and winnow Nesta, Casssian, and Gwyn back to the house of wind.
Nesta and Cassian headed up to bed, which left what Azriel had been craving since he left for Koschei, spending time with Gwyn.
"Any updates on Koschei?" Gwyn asked, breaking the silence.
What? she wanted to talk about Koschei?
Azriel internally groaned.
"I couldn't find him while I was there, just a bunch of angry carrions," he frowned.
"What do you mean? Were you attacked?" She crossed her arms and he saw worry line her eyes.
"I'm fine Gwyn—-
"That doesn't matter, you were still hurt," she started walking over to him.
He smiled at her concern.
"Stop smiling, this isn't funny, where did they hurt you?"
"Gwyn, I'm fine. The wound healed, only a small scar remains."
"They left a scar?!" Gwyn was now seething, power radiating off of her.
He was about to attempt to calm her down but before he could she demanded, "where?"
He crossed his arms and chuckled.
"Gwyn really—
"No, don't. I don't know why I just need to see that you're ok, please."
He looked into her eyes. Their usual deep blue looked iced over with fear.
Was she really that concerned about him?
He shucked off his shirt, unbuttoning the buttons behind his wings, revealing the long white scar down his abdomen.
Gwyn placed her hand on his muscled chest, his wings flared and he stopped breathing.
She was touching him. Gwyn was touching him.
She traced the scar and he did his best not to groan.
Her touch was so loving, it held so much emotion. She cared about him. Cared if he was hurt.
"Are you in any pain?" She looked up at him through thick eyelashes.
All he could do was shake his head, no, unable to formulate words.
She stood there still looking at him.
They were so close now, sharing a breath.
Her hands remained on his chest and he watched her eyes travel from his eyes to his lips and back again.
It felt like a phantom caress.
She sucked in a sharp breath backing away from him, as if just realizing what she was doing to him and how close they were.
"I'm," she coughed nervously, "I'm glad you're ok."
He smirked at her being in such a flustered state.
She saw his smirk and narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance.
"You better stop smiling, or I'll slap that smirk on your face myself," she placed her hands on her hips.
"No," Azriel said "you would never smack a smile off my face, I think you like my lips far too much."
Blush started to creep into her cheeks.
"And I think you'd like my hands on your chest rather than your lips," she shot back.
O, she thinks she'd won?
"I'd like your hands anywhere on my body," he stepped closer and she froze.
He was about to apologize. He should have known to be more careful about this stuff around Gwyn but when he looked back at her he found her grinning.
"Is this how you get all the ladies into your bed?" She asked now laughing.
The sound was so beautiful and carefree he couldn't help but smile at the sight.
Cauldron, she is so beautiful.
His shadows thought so to from the way they swirled around her.
"Did my charms not work on you?" He teased, still smiling.
"They definitely had a bit of an effect, but sadly I will not be crawling to your bed."
"Damn," he frowned, "shame really, we have fun. like in all those smutty books you read."
"They're not that smutty," she argued and he just hummed in answer.
This, he thought. This was perfect, this was everything.
Could one person really be everything?
He wanted more, he always wanted more when it came to Gwyn.
He could never get enough of her.
"Do you want some tea?" He asked, hoping to keep her for as long as possible.
"Did you really miss me that much, shadowsinger?"
He frowned at her, "of course I did Gwyn."
And she had the audacity to look stunned at his answer.
He couldn't help but be honest with her.
"Did you not miss me?" he teased, but also asked out of desperation.
Cauldron, what was this woman doing to him?
She smiled softly, "yes Az, I did miss you."
She stepped towards him looping her arm through his.
"Tea sounds good," She led him down the hall to the kitchen.
They spent the rest of the night making fun of Azriel's pick up lines.
More like Gwyn made fun of him.
But he didn't give a shit, because she was laughing.
It was like joy given form through vibrations and sounds.
There was so much light dancing in her eyes.
He loved that light. Even though he was crafted out of darkness and shadows, he was always pulled towards bright things.
That's why he had liked Mor and Elain.
Light, and life. He needed that.
And Gwyn's eyes held it all.

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