Chapter #26

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"We can't, we would have no idea what we would be walking into—
"I don't care," Cassian said looking at Rhys, "if there is even a tiny chance to get Nesta back, I am taking it."
"Me too," Gwyn said, coming to stand next to cassian.
"Ok," Rhys said nodding "there is no one more indebted to Nesta than me. She saved Nyx, Feyra and my life. I would go but Cas, with you gone I need to watch over windhaven but if you need anything I'm here," Gwyn swore she saw a flicker of emotion show in the high lords eyes but it went away too quickly for her to tell.
"I'll join you," Gwyn heard Azriel say from behind her.
"Me too," said Emrie and Gwyn turned to her.
"Em you can't you need to heal—
"I won't let you do this alone,"
"I won't be alone—
"Gwyn, if something happened to you," emrie said voice getting thick.
"Nothing will happen to me," Gwyn assured, cupping Emrie's tear stained cheeks.
"I promise I will come back to you and so will Nes," Gwyn said, pulling her into a tight hug.
Gwyn parted with Emrie and her eyes shot to Mor as if to say "take care of her."
Gwyn went to stand next to Cassian and Azriel who both turned to her.
"I'm going," she said, no falter in her voice, no room for argument.
She would not let them stop her.
"Are you sure ok," Azriel asked after Gwyn shivered for the twelfth time.
"Yes, Az I'm fine, just as I told you five times already."
Gwyn felt her bracelet glow.
"There," she said, pointing to what looked like more snow and mountains.
Her cassian and Azriel had been flying for about two hours.
With every mile Gwyn's bracelet glowed a bit more as did the hope of finding Nesta.
Gwyn looked up to study Azriel who had just started to hold her closer to his chest.
"What's wrong Az?" Gwyn asked but he didn't respond, just kept looking down at something.
She was about to ask again when Gwyn's bracelet burned so bright it almost blinded her.
"Here," Gwyn said, pointing down to what looked like a big estate.
"Hey," Elaine said, grabbing his hands.
"Your hands are beautiful, Azriel. They show your bravery and strength. They are nothing to be ashamed of." She said, pressing kissing all along his scarred hands.
"I love you Az—
"Here," he heard Gwyn say and Azriel's stomach dropped.
This had been the place he was trying to ignore.
Trying to forget that it even existed.
He looked to Cassian who was staring at him, pleading in his eyes.
Azriel didn't know how Cassian was holding it together but he was definitely not acting like himself.
He did not utter a single word while they were flying.
"So they took her," Azriel said, trying not to let lethal rage show on his face.
"It seems they did," Cassian said with equal anger.
"Where are we?" Gwyn asked, looking at Azriel and Cassian.
"My father's house," Azriel said fuming.
"It can't be them Az. Your father is dead and we banished your brothers, dishonored them. It's probably just Liao and his troops,''Cassian paused, siphons flickering.
"I can feel her," Cassian said, "through the bond, she is weak."
Cassian's eyes narrowed at the estate.
"We need to get her out now," Cassian said, starting to make his dissent.
"Wait," Azriel said, "we don't know what we are walking into. If they have Nesta that means they were the ones controlling those demon things. We don't know how they got them or if they have more."
"So what do you suggest we do," Cassian asked impatiently.
Azriel looked to Gwyn who was studying the estate carefully.
"What is it?" Azriel asked her.
"Someone saw us," she said "by the back door I'm assuming that leads to the kitchen. Someone saw us, they know we are here."
Just as Gwyn finished he heard a voice that haunted his nightmares.
"Well, it's been a while hasn't it," Alac's voice broke like lightning over thunder.
Azriel looked down to find Drystan standing next to Alac.
"Good to see you again, brother."
Btw the italicize part was him daydreaming.
I figured if you were like why was he daydreaming just then? That was super random.
I figured I'd explain it.
Maladaptive daydreaming is a coping mechanism.
So when Azriel saw his old house a place that he wants so badly to forget, he dissociates himself from the environment.
He basically pretends he is somewhere else in order to cope with the pain and fear of being back there
Anyway I am not a mental Heath professional just sharing what my experience is and how I think it fits with Az's character.

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