chapter #60

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Hey everyone! Remember that one time I said I had plenty of time to write. Yeah, I kinda of lied... sorry. I forgot Christmas and seeing my family was a thing, so I wasn't able to write very much. But I edited the first five chapters. You totally don't have to go back and read them. You have already come this far. But anyway I am pretty sure I am going to add some chapters about Elain and Lucien from their POV's. But I will let you know the exact chapters if I do. Anyway thank you all so much for reading! I looooooooove you and I hope you enjoy!


Azriel had woken up to a certain someone knocking at his door rather aggressively.

He sighed when the knocking didn't cease and commanded his shadows to unlock the door.

"He is going to train me today," Gwyn's fuzzy features cleared as Azriel blinked a couple of times.

"What?" he rubbed his eyes and looked out of the window, it was still dark out.

"Tamlin is going to teach me how to do magic," Azriel sat up fully at her tone. He could feel the Anxiety radiating off of her.

"Ok..." he trailed off for her to continue.

"And that means I am going to have to spend alone time with him," she sat on the edge of his bed with a sigh.

Azriel frowned, he could feel everything she was feeling. He should have thought about how hard this must be for Gwyn. he was so caught up in his grief with Luna.

"I can come to the training, if you want me there," he offered. He would gladly go with her.

The stupid mating bond was screaming to protect her at all costs. He would be with her at all times of the day if he could.

Gods, the fucking mating bond was driving him insane. Last Night he had just needed to feel her to know that she was real so he leaned on her shoulder. A simple friendly touch she hopefully wouldn't think twice about.

And being separated from her at all– even sleeping in different rooms was painful. Seeing her now sitting on his bed still in her night clothes made the mating bond sing. His fingers were clenched at his side with the restraint not to touch her. His shadows, it seemed, did not share his control. They were swirling all around Gwyn now, playing with her hair, and making her smile.

"No it's ok. I can handle it, and you have to do research anyway," her smile dropped.

Azriel could barely stand the sight, "it's like we switched places: your training, and I'm doing research," he said in an effort to make her smile again.

To Azriel's dismay her frown deepened.

"What is it?" his heart was on the verge of cracking as he felt her pain through the bond.

"It's stupid," she started to get up but Azriel leaned over and gently grabbed her hand and pulled her back down.

"Nothing that makes you frown like that is stupid," he continued to hold her hand making the bond glow.

The feeling was... ethereal.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "it's weird when your nice to me–

"I'm always nice to you," he cut her off, "now tell me what's on your mind."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "I'll tell you what's bothering me if you tell me what's bothering you," she challenged.

"Nothing is–" he cut himself off at her knowing stare.

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